by James M Sandbrook
A woman should be honest with her husband (naturally he should be the same with her). She should treat him and their children as a person who cares for them and will do what she can for them unselfishly. The same should be for her husband. A major failing for the modern woman who is expected to be liberal in mind and “experienced” in relationships is that she is expected to be “open” in her ways and in her actions.
A woman should be modest in her ways with her husband. There is no need for her or him to delve into the crudeness of some relationships whether there is a temptation for pleasure or not. Crudeness ruins the tenderness of a relationship between a man and a woman. After crudeness comes some shame and doubt. We must have our limits and we must stand firm on those limits. A teenage female and a woman needs to do the same.
For most people we have a knowledge as a child of what is acceptable and what is not acceptable.
A girl will know what it is that she will do and what she will not do. A woman may argue that a child does not know all that there is to being a woman, and a child cannot know the experience of being a modern woman. Even though the child does not feel those direct experiences of female adulthood, the child has not been “changed” by the demands of society, or the demands of ones peers, or by the way that she has been treated by other members of the world who may have mistreated her, as an adult female would have been. The child speaks with innocence and does not speak with anger, hatred or bad feelings toward others. Maybe the child has no fear of others due to being protected by her parents, so she has no fear of thinking and speaking as she really feels. She wants her future to be good. She wants to live as she was born to live. There are many things that a modern woman would do that would shock and disgust the young girl of innocence – yet with the way that society is today and its wide acceptance of many immoral activities of the past this young child of innocence is doomed to be the very person that would shock and disgust her as a child.
To be accepted as a person, we will go to great extents to prove that we are worthy of our friends and those of our family.
It could be argued that the female child is closer to God because of her age than the adult female is closer to God who has been molded by other peoples thoughts and her own reactions to the way that the world has treated her.
There is a time of change in a young woman’s life where she puts aside her old beliefs and welcomes (somewhat hesitantly) her knew views and values. A lot of her new beliefs are founded and sponsored by older woman and some by society as accepted beliefs that are there for the benefit of a woman.
Jesus mentioned that a person could not go to Heaven except that he or she be as a child (Matthew 18:3 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven). To become as little children is to think the honest and innocent thoughts of the child. If something that you do in your heart is something that would shock a child (or would have shocked you when you were a child) then there is a great need for you to sit back and take counsel with yourself and consider what upsets the child of honesty and innocence. Now is a good time for the adults of the world to view the child of the world in a different light.
The goal of the parents of the past was to bring up moral, decent, worthy children, who would be assets to society and other people’s lives, well prepared for marriage, child-rearing, and would be a loving mother who would bless her husband and children with her selfless love, compassion, firmness and empathy.
The goal was to be what we wanted our young to be, therefore they would have a strong forever loving marriage. And they would be, as we should be, keen to avoid immoral, indecent, dishonest or bad, shameful behavior.
Ask yourself this, “What did you believe in, as a child?”
I am aware that some of us lived great loses as children and many of us where treated badly and even lived miserable lives. But I am speaking of you and how you thought that things should have been, or how things should be, and what future you would have liked, what you wish it would be – as a child.
But for you, are you today doing things that you would not have believed in as a child. Why have you changed your mind about what you today find acceptable? Is it because you were mistreated by somebody, or many people? Is it because others expect it of you? Is it because you have a great fear of being not accepted?
Whatever the reason, it is wrong for a person to live the life that he or she is internally against. Sometimes it is hard to find out what it is that we really feel inside, especially after a hard life and the need to feel important. Living in these times has beaten the good out of many people, and left a mere shell of that person.
Do you today believe that those wonderful happy family feelings that you had as a child were wistful fairy tales, or put in your mind to guide you as you grew up to motherhood and marriage?
All the best from
James Martin Sandbrook.
Saturday, 24 March 2007, 11:23:48 AM.