You are of great value to God and for the human race, animals and planet.

You are of great value to God and for the human race, animals and planet.

Everything that you do is a reflection of your heart and soul. If you follow the teachings of Christ then you will reflect kindness, love, charity, and you will bless many. If you did the opposite you would harm many.

Your walk may have is struggles but keep in prayer and know your value to others by simply being of a good heart.

Know that God values you and deeply and lovingly appreciates the good that you share to other people.

Be aware that God gives the greatest challenges to the strongest people.
You may not feel strong in the battles, but the fact that you are in a battle shows that God put you there because He believes in you getting through it and learning from it.

All the best from James Martin Sandbrook.
‎Wednesday, ‎25 ‎May ‎2016, ‏‎12:30:20 PM.

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