You may notice that a strong theme of the Old Testament is about suffering for righteous sake.

You may notice that a strong theme of the Old Testament is about suffering for righteous sake.

They mention the Potter, God, who will take the broken life, your life, shattered by a lost society and needing to be rebuilt.

Being like silver purified until of good quality.

The theme is taking the sinner and removing the reachings of the past by the lost, and being made new.

The theme is still the same in the New Testament. Take up our cross (worries, fears, old baggage, addictions etc) and follow Christ who will teach you to be versions of Christ.

Besides accepting Christ we still are obliged to become new in spirit and soul.

Other books of the Bible show us how to behave, and some are worthy stories etc.

All the best from James Martin Sandbrook.
‎Tuesday, ‎12 ‎May ‎2015, ‏‎2:18:48 PM.

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