I wish someone had taught me this when I was a teenager. I remember so many occasions trying to explain to someone that something they were doing was going to ruin their health or kill them and they could not see the common sense in what I was saying. Some laughed as if I was a nut case.
Your life journey took you on path that formed your Belief System.
Any other person was taken on a different path that formed that person’s Belief System, even those in your own home.
When a person joins a religion then that person and others share the basic beliefs of that religion, but still can differ in so many areas.
Understanding people, how we think, how our Belief Systems are formed, will save you a lot of grief and struggle in your life.
Trying to explain to a teenager who was bought up in a gang home and who is getting drunk and stoned often that this is not good for them will 99% of the time be the same as talking to a brick wall. We need to understand that the person is not thick, stupid or dim. But that the person has been taken when young and eager to please his or her parents, formed and molded into someone that sees no wrong in what he or she is doing later on in life, “Because this lifestyle is all that this person ash ever really known and all that they believed in, even with its hardships and abuse which toughened them up.” This person would have been taught to avoid authorities, the Police, and encouraged into illegal activities, violence, theft, being violated possibly and accepting it etc. This teaching finally became this person;’s truth and Belief System, and that is how they live.
Narcissist are very hard to convince that they have a problem, because they are convinced that the problem is with everyone else. Narcissism is an illness that completely takes over the mind and controls the person, all that he or she does, and harms all the good people who they know. Your obvious diagnoses of the narcissist will fall on deaf ears because to the narcissist it is impossible what you suggest. or claim.
I have been trying to talk to violent people who rant, rave, yell and even threatening, and when I try to explain to them that they are doing all these things (while they are doing them) they completely refuse to see that they are ranting, yelling, being threatening etc. This is a really scary situation because if this person is completely blind to their violent speech and actions then they could explode at any time and do some real damage to someone. This is a lot like road rage. And eventually it will end with a bad situation like jail unless this person wakes up and sees the light.
Politics. Both sides gathering up people for their own cause and believing that their Left or Right political party is the truth to life. Trying to get people from either side to agree on something for the good of the nation seems impossible. Imagine what a wonderful world we would have if they did agree.
So when you approach someone about something that to you is plainly obvious to your mind please don’t be surprised, offended at their view. Change, I have found, takes a very long time with some people. It is very hard to get a person to see wrong in themselves when pride is very important to them.
The human mind is amazing, but it can be formed by people and life to became something very lost and confused. This is why many people become religious after a disaster, because it is only a distaste that wakes them out of the illusion that they have been living. Humbled, frightened possibly, awakened and confused this person will rush off to a religion in the hope of finding out more about God, life and their purpose in life now that they have discovered that materialism serves no real purpose except for the wealthy.
All the best from James Martin Sandbrook.
Thursday, 13 April 2017, 10:39:27 AM.
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