New Component:
Will open the New Component dialog which
is used to to create the basic unit for a new component.
Install Component:
Is used to to install a component into
an existing or a new package.
Import ActiveX
Will open the Import ActiveX Control dialog
box which you use to display the ActiveX controls registered on your system
so you can add them to your Delphi projects.
Create Component
Used to create a component template.
Install Packages:
You use this page to specify the design-time
packages installed in the IDE and the runtime packages required by your
Configure Palette:
Use this to change the arrangment of your
component palette. You can drag and drop componments into different palettes
as well as delete and add new palettes.
Will open the Database Explorer or SQL
Explorer, depending on your particular version of Delphi.
SQL Monitor:
Opens the SQL Monitor.
Form Wizard:
Will open the Database Form wizard which
is a very helpful way to create a new database project.
Environment Options:
Will display the Environment Options dialog
Editor Options:
Will display the Editor Options dialog
Debugger Options:
Will display the Debugger Options dialog
Translation Tools
Click on this to to configure the Translation
Will display the Object Repository dialog
Translation Repositry:
Translation Manager.
External Editor:
Open your own HTML or XML editor.
Web App Debugger:
Use this to open Web Application Debugger.
Regenerate Corba
IDL Files:
Runs the Regenerate CORBA IDL Files dialog
Configure Tools:
Will display the Tools Options dialog box.
Tools displayed
by default:
Will display the Database Desktop.
Will display the Image Editor.
Will display the Package Collection Editor.