- Ctrl + Z
If the Delphi Code Editor is active then
you can choose Edit|Undo to undo your last most recent keystrokes or mouse
- Shift + Ctrl + Z
Sadly Edit|Redo is not available for undoing
changes you made with the UnDelete command. But Edit|Redo is able to reverse
the effects of your most recent Undo.
- Ctrl + X
Use this to remove text you have selected
in the Delphi Code Editor. You can also use Edit|Cut to cut away a selected
component or components off a form and items in the Menu Designer.
- Ctrl + C
This is the same as Edit|Cut except the
item copied is not deleted. Anything you copy is copied to the clipboard.
- Ctrl + V
Will paste the current clipboard contents
into the Delphi Code Editor, the currently active form and the active menu
place in the Menu Designer.
- Ctrl + Del
Is usefull for deleting selected text or
a component without it being copied to the clipboard.
Select All -
+ A
When using the Delphi Code Editor you can
use Edit|Select All to select all the text (Delphi Code) and when using
a form and it is active you can select all the components on that form.
Align To Grid:
Is usefull for aligning the selected component
to the closest grid point.
Bring To Front:
Use this to move the selected component
to the front, in other words in front of any components that were on top
of it on the form.
Send To Back:
This is much the same as Edit|Bring To
Front ecept it works the opposite way. Both Edit|Bring To Front and Edit|Send
To Back work on the component's z-order but both do not work if you are
combining windowed and non-windowed controls. For example, you cannot change
the z-order of a label in relation to a button.
Will open the Alignment dialog box.
Will open the Size dialog box.
Will open the Scale dialog box.
Tab Order:
Will open the Edit Tab Order dialog box.
Creation Order:
Will open the Creation Order dialog box.
Flip Children:
This is one menu item I have never used
and I am not sure why it exists, but anyway it allows you to reverse the
layout of controls in the current form to a right-to-left giving a mirror
image of the way it was.
Lock Controls:
Is used to hold all the components on the
currently active form in the current position that you put them in. A seful
new feature that many should find helpful.
Add to Interface:
Will define a new procedure, function,
or property for an ActiveX component.