Add To Project
: - Shift + F11
Will open the Add To Project dialog box
which is usefull for adding a unit and its associated form to the current
project you are working on.
Remove From Project:
The opposite to Project| Add To Project,
you use Project|Remove From Project to remove a unit from the current project
that you are working with.
Import Type Library:
Will display the type libraries registered
on your system so you can add them to your projects.
Add To Repository:
Will open the Add to Repository dialog
box so you can add projects and forms to the Delphi Object Repository.
View Source:
Is used to display the project file for
the current project and make it the active page in the Delphi Code Editor.
Sub Menu:
Add New Project:
Wiil add a new application, DLL, or package
to the project group.
Add Existing
Will open the open dialog box so you can
an existing project to the current project group.
Compile Project:
- Ctrl + F9
Will compile all files that have changed
since the last build in the currently opened project.
Build Project:
Will rebuild all files whether or not they
have changed since the last rebuild.
Syntax Check
Will compile the modules of your project
but not link them, this is is faster than using Project|Compile project
because Delphi does not have to create the object code for the units.
Information For
Will open the Information dialog box which
has information about the current project.
Compile All Projects:
Will compile all files in the current project
group that have changed since the last build was done.
Build All Projects:
Will rebuild all the projects in your Project
Group regardless of whether they have changed or not.
Web Deployment
Used to configure a finished ActiveX control
or ActiveForm for deployment to your Web server.
Web Deploy:
Use this menu item after setting the Web
Deployment Options and then compiling your project, Web Delpoy is used
to deploy a finished ActiveX control or ActiveForm to your web server.
- Shift + Ctrl + F11
Will open the Project Options dialog box.