Delphi IDE


Add To Project : - Shift + F11

Will open the Add To Project dialog box which is usefull for adding a unit and its associated form to the current project you are working on.

Remove From Project:

The opposite to Project| Add To Project, you use Project|Remove From Project to remove a unit from the current project that you are working with.

Import Type Library:

Will display the type libraries registered on your system so you can add them to your projects.

Add To Repository:

Will open the Add to Repository dialog box so you can add projects and forms to the Delphi Object Repository.

View Source:

Is used to display the project file for the current project and make it the active page in the Delphi Code Editor.


Sub Menu:

  • Add
  • Remove
  • Set Active
  • Update Resource DLLs.
Add New Project:

Wiil add a new application, DLL, or package to the project group.

Add Existing Project:

Will open the open dialog box so you can an existing project to the current project group.

Compile Project: - Ctrl + F9

Will compile all files that have changed since the last build in the currently opened project. 

Build Project:

Will rebuild all files whether or not they have changed since the last rebuild.

Syntax Check Project:

Will compile the modules of your project but not link them, this is is faster than using Project|Compile project because Delphi does not have to create the object code for the units.

Information For Project:

Will open the Information dialog box which has information about the current project.

Compile All Projects:

Will compile all files in the current project group that have changed since the last build was done.

Build All Projects:

Will rebuild all the projects in your Project Group regardless of whether they have changed or not.

Web Deployment Options:

Used to configure a finished ActiveX control or ActiveForm for deployment to your Web server. 

Web Deploy:

Use this menu item after setting the Web Deployment Options and then compiling your project, Web Delpoy is used to deploy a finished ActiveX control or ActiveForm to your web server. 

Options: - Shift + Ctrl + F11

Will open the Project Options dialog box. 

Delphi IDE