Delphi IDE


Project Manager: - Ctrl + Alt + F1

Will open the Project Manager.

Translation Manager:

Will display the Translation Manager.

Object Inspector: - F11

Will open the Object Inspector if it has been closed. 

Object TreeView - Shift + Alt + F11

Open the Object TreeView

To-Do List

Will open the to-do list which displays programming tasks that you need to do to complete the current project 
you are working on.

Alignment Palette:

Will open the Alignment Palette which is very useful for aligning components.

Browser: - Shift + Ctrl + B

Will open the Project Browser.

Code Explorer:

Will open the Code Explorer which is normally docked to the left of the Code editor.

Component List:

:Will open the very helpful Component List. You can type in the name of the component in the edit box at the top of the Component List and this will start an incremental search through your components until you find the one you want. Next double-click on the component name in the list to add that component to the form or click on the Add To Form button to do the same thing.

Window List: - Alt + O

Will open the Window List dialog box. If you have many windows open then you can use the Window List dialog box to easily find the form you want and make it active.

Debug Windows:

You use the Debug Windows menu commands to open windows that belong to the integrated debugger. These windows show the process and/or thread ID of the process or thread being viewed.


The View Desktops menu items are for you to choose between the different desktop layouts you have saved.

Toggle Form/Unit: - F12

Used to toggle between a form and its unit.

Units: - Ctrl + F12

Used to quickly find a unit and then open it in the Delphi Code Editor.

Forms: - Shift + F12

Used to quickly find a form and make it active.

Type Library:

The Type Library editor lets you examine and create type information for Automation servers, ActiveX controls, MTS objects, and other COM objects.

New Edit Window:

Is open a new Delphi Code Editor window which contains a copy of the active page from the original Code editor.


Use this to select the tool bars you want visible.

Delphi IDE