IMT Chatting Program
by Deniel - deniel@ucsd.com - IMT Software House Please refer to the IMT Chatting Program web page to learn more about this source code. |
Here is a very good example of an arcade
made with Delphi 2.
I tried it with Delphi 3 and it works fine. Full source code. Rocks.exe is included. Author: Joe Kessler (jkessler@integrationware.com) - http://www.integrationware.com Rocks is a fully featured arcade-style game that uses 2D vector graphics for its animation. Download |
Here is an example on How to prevent
a second
instance and take its parameters:
Author name - Theodoros Bebekis Author email - bebekis@mail.otenet.gr Full Source - Freeware Delphi 2.0 -Delphi 3.0 - Delphi 4.0 - |
Ashley Bass of Domino Computing has a
great Delphi
Tips Help file called
"Making Delphi Do It". Some of the tips in the help file are: Tabset with MDI True Flickerless MDI (no lame lockwindowupdate stuff) Recent Files List Store/Retrieve Font Settings Custom Dialog Find/Replace Recursive Directory Deletion, and lots more... - Download Ashley will have future updates at http://www.fyi.net/~abass/domino/free.htm |
Delphi Avi program - This Avi program shows the a basic Avi
You can open an Avi file and then play it. Delphi 3 source code and Avi1.exe - |
A simple Delphi Calendar - Download the Delphi code and
date1.exe here
(147 KB). This program was made with Delphi 3. |
This simple program will let you browse through a directory (folder) and double-click on a file and open it. It will also open Windows Explorer. You can download the Delphi 3 code here - Download. This program uses the unit - FMXUtils.pas which you should
find in the
folder Demos\DOC\FILMANEX
Here is a second Browse program with 'Drag and Drop'
With this small program you can view a pas, txt file in a Memo. Run the program first and read about the program. You can download the Delphi 3 code here, with the .exe - Download
AXScriptDemo v.2.0 - 20 Kb -
D3 Shows how to host ActiveScript in a Delphi application and it includes event dispatching. |
Control Panel Applet Sample
v.1.0 - 3 Kb - 16.3.99
D4 This is an example of how to create a Windows 9x control panel applet. Although this code was created using Delphi 4 it should be compatible with any earlier Win9x version of Delphi. |
Disk Visor v.1.3 - 71 Kb -
D2, D3, D4, D5 You can use DiskVisor to see the individual size of each of the subdirectories and files in a directory. Can handle large hard drives. |
Encrypter / Decrypter v.2.1 -
11 Kb
- 11.2.1999
D1, D2, D3, D4 This is an example of how to make an application without using Delphi's TForm /TObject / 300k IDE. The theme of the example is a basic Encrypter/Decrypter. |
Excel DDE - 5 Kb -
D1 This 1996 demo shows you how easy it is to use DDE to communicate with Microsoft Excel |
GetColor v.1.01 - 81 Kb - 18.2.1998
This was made with Delphi 3, with a few
changes it should work on all versions of Delphi.
Download here - Download. |
RX - Lib [v2.60]
- Over 60 useful components.
Visual and Non-visual Components and service units for Borland Delphi and Borland C++ Builder. The Set of Native Delphi Components for Borland Delphi versions 1, 2, 3 & 4 and Borland C++ Builder 1 & 3. 100% Source Code. |
UNOFFICIAL RX Lib Help - For Rx Lib Release v2.60 Jan-99 |
RX - Lib [v2.75]
- Over 60 useful components.
October, 12, 1999 New version 2.75 of the library is released. Delphi 5.0 & C++Builder 4.0 compatibility. Bug fixes for RX 2.60. Visual and Non-visual Components and service units for Borland Delphi and Borland C++ Builder. |
AC Components - Delphi
3.0x -
TACTrayIcon - TACCaptionPanel - TACCaptionImage -
- TACKeyboard -
TMultiShape -
TMultiShape is a simple but powerful VCL component which allows you to create many graphic effects on your forms. |
DBNavigationButton - Delphi 1
to 3.
A data-aware TBitBtn. |
TOS 16-bit and 32-bit components - Delphi V1.0 V1.2 V2.0 | |
RButton - 1996
RButton: Visible Component used to display round
buttonsinstead of a
square button.
Deluxe Label - 1999
This is a descendent of TLabel and it adds several
enhancements, such
as 3D text, bitmap background, e-mail/url/application launching
to the standard Delphi label.
TNiceTab & TNiceNotebook for
Delphi1 (Ver 0.1).
TNiceTab is a replacement for TTabset, using a win95-style
THexEditor component Version 1.12 for Delphi 3.x
bcCalendar - Version
1.01 -
Freeware for Delphi
A calendar with a HolidayFont property. |
IndexTabs - provides a
index tab
control in the style of Outlook
97 / Contacts Folder. |
Label3dBorder version 1.0 -
32 bit
Label with possibility of setting 5 different kinds of 3-dimensional borders and an option of vertictal alignment of the caption. |
Slide Show Demo - uses the JPG component.
For more information go to Slide Show Demo Program You can view multiple image formats and easily add others.
File Name.......: BmAlias.Zip
File Version....: Version 1.0 File Description: Component allowing developer to create and delete BDE aliases. With this component, the same program compiles with all Delphi versions. Targets.........: Delphi 1, 2, 3, 4, C++ Builder 1, 3. Author Name.....: BOURMAD Mehdi File Status.....: Freeware Category........: Application with source. |
Dialog Multi Language Ver. 1.0 (Jan 2000) Freeware. Compiler : Delphi 3-4
Yatt - A Delphi Typing Tutor
Delphi 3.0 |
Delphi Animated Cursors:
Here are some free Delphi animated cursors for you to use on your computer. |
TPanelClock - a VCL component that is provides time-of-date, NUM, CAPS, and Scroll Key Status. Delphi 1. | |
TktMultiBevel and TktBevelButton
The TktMultiBevel respectivly TktBevelButton are enhanced Bevels with the possibility to choose - BorderColor,
* TktMultiBevel and TktBevelButton are both completely FREEWARE. |
AddOnTB97 - Version 1.8
for Delphi 2-3-4-5 and C++ 3-4
AddOnTB97 is designed to work with TB97 written by Jordan Russel. These components and source are FREEWARE. You are free to use AddOnTB97.pas. If you use it for personnal purpose, However, use in commercial or shareware applications requires MY EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION. ENJOY CODING! - Jacques VOIRIN E-Mail: jacques.voirin@iname.com |
Creating a text editor—a tutorial TextEditorTutorial.zip
TMenuToolbar is native
3.0 component which implements MS Office 97 like menu bar.
The package contains files: MenuToolbar.pas - source code for TMenuToolbar.
is a Delphi
3 component that alows you to add your own system menu items with some
properties like
bitmap for checked and unchecked state, caption and others. |
RichEdit98 is native Delphi
component which implements extended rich edit control.
TDBRichEdit98 is data-aware version of TRichEdit98. The package contains files: RichEdit2.pas - source code for TRichEdit98 and TDBRichEdit98.
Delphi Icon -
This is a nice traditional Delphi Icon. This icon has had thousands of downloads, its very popular. We made it to replace the icon that came with Delphi 5. |
ct2IncBtn- Free -
Delphi 2-3
ct2IncBtn is inherited from TSpeedButton and contains only 1 new additional property: Increment. This is a very simple component but I use it a lot and it allows one to count the button clicks very easily. Clayton Turner cturn@fuse.net |
FshEnabGrb v.1.03 -
: fshEnabGrp.pas
Purpose : GroupBox derivative that recursivly enables/disables all children as well. Status : Freeware - Version : 1.03, 12 March 2000 |
Traflite.zip- (Includes a
2 test program - works on Delphi 3 so should be alright on higher
- (10.7 KB)
This component is from Mark Meyer.
TRegistration Component
- v1.02
This component will allow you to make any program that you
a shareware program for an author-specified number of days. In
barest form it is ONE line of code in your program.
North Island
New Zealand