23 December 1999 Ref. 09
While you're programming in Delphi, you may want to have a little fun. For your amusement, the Delphi Development Team has added some "Easter Eggs" to Delphi.
What are Easter Eggs?
Easter Eggs are little surprises that programmers add to their applications
to amuse the users. These Easter Eggs are hidden features that can only
be executed through special key-presses
or certain actions.
Delphi has many wonderful Easter Eggs. To activate them, you need to
open the About Dialog by selecting Help/About in the Delphi IDE. Hold down
the ALT key and type in the
following words to start that particular Easter Egg:
QUALITY- This will show the names of the Delphi QA Staff in the About Dialog;
VERSION - This will show the Delphi version number;
TEAM - For a list of those responsible for this fine product;
DEVELOPERS - For a list of the R&D folks specifically;
CHUCK - For a little surprise (works only under Delphi 4);
JEDI - Today's people are really "Star Wars Crazy", also the guys at Borland/Inprise. Try this one for a little fun (works only under Delphi 5).
If you want to add your own Easter Eggs to your Delphi applications,
then you can read an interesting article by Michael Burton named "Implementing
an Easter Egg"
at http://www.undu.com/Articles/990317a.html