Lennie was a friend of mine back in my Delphi Programming days. We lost touch over time. |
The SelectDirectory function - Part I
Parsing a file name into its Constituent Parts
Expanding a Filename in Delphi
Extracting Filename and Extention
Creating & Removing a Directory
Does that Directory or File Exists?
You Can Never Have Too Much WinInfo!
Getting the Current Working Directory
Does my CD-ROM Drive Contain an Audio CD?
Enable & Disabling Full Windows Dragging.
Is Windows Extension (Windows Plus) Installed?
Converting Color into Hexadecimal
Setting the Screen Saver's Time-Out
Getting the Screen Saver's Time-Out
Turning the Screen Saver On/Off
Is The Screen Saver Activated?
Starting the Default Screen Saver Programatically
First Day of the Year Function
Enable/Disable the "START" button