
Lennie's Weekly Tip : Is Windows Extension (Windows Plus) Installed?
Mon, 6th March 2000 - 2000 Ref. 15


Maybe, for some reason you want to know if the user have the Windows extension (Windows Plus) installed on his/her's Windows machine. Then you can use the following function:

function WindowsExtensionInstalled : boolean;

  Result := SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWINDOWSEXTENSION, 1, nil, 0);

The function returns a value of TRUE if Windows Plus is installed or FALSE, otherwise.

NOTE: This function will only work on Windows'95/98 (maybe 2000) and so it doesn't support Windows NT.

This tip is partially based on a tip sent by Emiel Hollander.
You can subscribe to his weekly Delphi tips mailing list by going to
