31 October 1999 Ref. 02
I'ved written the following simple function, which will return the day of the 1st of January of a specified year.
function FirstDayOfYear (year : integer) : integer;
Result := DayOfWeek(StrToDate('01/01/' + IntToStr(year)));
This function will return a value between 1 and 7, where Sunday is the first day and Saturday is the seventh.
To use the function, simply place a TEdit, TLabel and TButton components on a Form (TForm). And write the following code in the Button's OnClick-event handler.
Label1.Caption := LongDayNames[FirstDayOfYear(StrToInt(Edit1.Text))];
Type, in any year in the Edit-box and click on the button. The label will respond with the name of the day of the 1st January of that year.
- You may need to add error-checking to make sure that a valid integer
is pasted to the function, for example a year value of -10000 is totaly
Christian R. Conrad had informed me of a problem that he found on my FirstDayOfYear function. The function assume that the user's date-settings are mm/dd/yy, but many user's settings are different.
I have rewritten the function and now it use the EncodeDate function, with no date-setting problems.
function FirstDayOfYear (year : integer) : integer;
Result := DayOfWeek(EncodeDate(year, 1, 1));
This function will return a value between 1 and 7, where Sunday is the first day and Saturday is the seventh.
To use the function, simply place a TEdit, TLabel and TButton components on a Form (TForm). And write the following code in the Button's OnClick-event handler.
Label1.Caption := LongDayNames[FirstDayOfYear(StrToInt(Edit1.Text))];
Type, in any year in the Edit-box and click on the button. The label will respond with the name of the day of the 1st January of that year.
NOTE: You my need to add error-checking to make sure that a valid integer is pasted to the function, for example a year value of -10000 is totaly wrong.