Creating a New Paradox Table
First we go to File| New | Table in the Database Desktop menu.
Next you will see the Create Table
dialog box.
Here we can choose other table types from
the dropdown list.
Leave it on Paradox 7 (the default), for this exercise and click on the OK button.
You will now see a form with the words
Paradox 7 Table (Untitled): in the title bar.
This the the Create Table dialog box which
we will use to specify the structure of our new table.
We could borrow the structure of an existing table if we wanted.
We will type our first field name in
Name column.
Click next to the number 1 and we will
enter our first Field Name which will be Name.
You can use the Tab key to move to
next column or Shift + Tab to go back to the previous column.
If a column is not required in the field
type you have chosen, Database Desktop will skip that column and move
the next column.
Next press the Tab key and then press down the Space Bar and a list will appear.
We will choose Alpha.
Press the Tab key again.
For the size we will enter 30 which should be enough.
Now to enter the next field all we need to do is press the Down Arrow key and we are ready to name our second field.
We could name this Address and
on. This is the same as the above field example.
You can also add:
You should experiment with all the
Field Types.
A | 1 - 255 | Alpha |
N | Number | |
$ | Money | |
S | Short | |
I | Long Integer | |
# | 0 - 32* | BCD |
D | Date | |
T | Time | |
@ | Timestamp | |
M | 1 - 240** | Memo |
F | 0 - 240** | Formatted Memo |
G | 0 - 240*** | Graphic |
O | 0 - 240*** | OLE |
L | Logical | |
+ | Autoincrement | |
B | 0 - 240*** | Binary |
Y | 1 - 255 | Bytes |
When we are finished entering fields we can save the table.
Click on the Save As button.
The Save Table As dialog box appears.
We will name our example as example.
Leave the Save As Type as Paradox(*.db)
And we will leave Alias as Work.
This is a simple example to get you started. Remember to read the help files that come with Database Desktop.
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