Creating database applications
is one
of the main reasons many developers purchase Borlands Delphi. After you install Delphi for the first time you will find that its not that hard to run a database project and one of the first things you should do if you are interested in database programming is have a look at the database demonstration examples that Borland has supplied with Delphi, you should find them in the \Delphi\Demos\Db directory on your hard drive. If you have a look at the Data
Access page
on the Delphi component palette you will see the components that are
to communicate with databases in Borland Database Engine applications,
like TTable, TQuery and TDataSource. With Delphi you can create simple to very complex database applications and Borland has gone to a lot of trouble to help make this as simple as they can. With Delphi 1 and 2 you could use
the BDE
(Borland Database Engine) for database programming, but when Delphi 3
along your options increased and with the newer versions of Delphi you
have a lot more options for accessing a database. Some examples are:
The latest news is that Borland
will no
longer be updating the BDE but this is no reason for you to stop using
it, we will still have many examples that use the BDE mainly because
Delphi developers are still using older (than version 6) versions of
and the BDE is still in use world wide. |
a Dataset:
In order for you to do anything with a dataset you first have to open it. Table.Active := True; //Does what we want or you can use Table1.Open; If you use Table1.Open this will also set the Active property to True as well. Closing A Dataset: Table1.Active := False; Table1.Close; |
Records In A Table:
TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); |
is a very useful way for your program users to find specific data in a
database based on special criteria.
The software user sets specific conditions for the filter and the result is displayed. In order to enable filtering you must set the Table filtered property to true. Example: Table1.Filtered := True; But first you specify the filter conditions in the Filter property. Here is an example: procedure
TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); The above example creates a
filter that
uses the datasets 'Continent' field and a TEdit component for the user
to enter If I were using the country.db and typed in Edit1 'North America' then all the records with North America in the Continent field, would only be displayed. To view all the records again you can set the Filtered property to False like this: procedure
TForm1.Button5Click(Sender: TObject); |
Showing The
Password Dialog Box:
If you have a Paradox database and you have added a password but you do not want your program users to have to type in the password, in other words you do not want the user to see the password dialog box, then you can use this code: procedure
TForm1.FormActivate(Sender: TObject); |
The Selected
DBGrid Field Name In A Label:
Label1.Caption := DBGrid1.Columns.Grid.SelectedField.AsString; |
The 32 bit versions of Delphi still support GetBookmark, GotoBookmark and Freebookmark this is to maintain backward compatibility with the older 16 bit (Delphi 1) database projects. Here is an example using GotoBookmark, GetBookmark and Freebookmark. var Bookmark : TBookmark; procedure
TObject); procedure
TObject); procedure
TObject); --- TDataSet.Bookmark Used to specify the current bookmark in a dataset. type TBookmarkStr: string;
Example: private Button1.Caption := 'Bookmark';
Add 3 TButton components to your form, double-click on each button and add this code: procedure
TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure
TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure
TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); |
Nearest: (Database)
Table1.FindNearest ([Edit1.Text]); |
a Table:
Table1.Last = takes you to the
last record. Table1.MoveBy(n) = takes you
forward n
records. Where n is a number. |
Drop a
on a form:
If you have
Explorer (SQL Explorer) you can drag and
a Table onto the Delphi form, from Database Explorer. You can also drop a single field onto a form. An example
is for
you to go to employees.db in Database Explorer, expand the Fields tree
node (Click on the +) next
To see the Fields Editor, double click on Table1 or right-click on Table1 and then select 'Fields Editor', you can also do the same with Query1 (TQuery). Right-click on the Fields Editor
and you
can select 'Add Fields', select the fields you want and then click on
'OK'. You can use the Fields Editor to
add new
fields to a table. |
[property IndexName: String;] Unit DBTables This property is used to specify
the sort
order of the table. By changing the IndexName, the order will
change. Examples: procedure
TObject); procedure
TObject); You can use Table1.IndexName
:= ''; to go back to the primary index. |
[procedure BtnClick(Index: TNavigateBtn);] Is the same as clicking on a
button. procedure
TObject); Here are you options for the buttons: First
nbFirst Goes to the
record |
& Object Names:
I opened the Borland CtrlGrid Db demo and added a button to the FmCtrlGrid form and a TListBox (ListBox1) and aligned ListBox1 to alBottom after dragging down the form so it was larger. And then I double-clicked on the button (Button2) and added this code: procedure
TObject); This gave me a list of the fields
in the
table tblIndustry. procedure
TObject); |
You can select an alias by
clicking on
the little black arrow to the right of 'DatabaseName'
in the Object Inspector, or you can type in a path. Table1.DatabaseName := 'd:\delphi 3\demos\db'; A Table should not be open when you change the DatabaseName. |
Component: (Delphi 3,
versions?) To find this component, go to Component, Configure Palette, under Pages scroll down until you see the word [All]. Click on [All]. Then on the right side under Components, scroll down until you see the component TReport. Click on TReport. Then click on the Show button. TReport is a wrapper for the Borland ReportSmith application. |
Component: (Delphi 3, other versions?) This little gem is hidden in the Delphi 3\demos\db\textdata directory (Folder). |
IDAPI = Integrated Database Application Programming Interface. | ||||||||||||||
BDE = Borland Database Engine. | ||||||||||||||
When installing the BDE, it is recommended by many programmers to do a full install of the BDE. Although it is possible to do a partial install, it is better to do a full install. You are allowed to distribute the
BDE with
your database applications, this is not the BDE installation from your
Delphi CD, you must use a program like the free lite version of
that comes with Delphi. |