7.1 OOS in New Zealand
The literature has shown that OOS is a real and debilitating disease. OOS has been in existence for centuries, but is now becoming increasingly prominent in the IT industry. The causes of this disease are widely understood, as are effective methods for its prevention. The costs of OOS are high - both for the individual and for the organisation; hence both the organisation and the individual benefit from prevention schemes. Prevention schemes, although involving an initial financial outlay have been shown to be cost-effective.
Despite the wide publicity OOS has been given in recent years, the survey revealed that there are still organisations in New Zealand who believe OOS is not a real disease. This is despite the fact that New Zealanders in the IT industry are suffering from OOS today (as revealed by the survey). Although most organisations had taken some measures to prevent OOS, many organisations failed to perceive the prevention of OOS as an holistic issue, OOS is not just prevented by ergonomic equipment or OOS policies. The prevention of OOS requires both the employer and employee to be aware of the risks of OOS, and to possess the desire to avoid it. The avoidance of OOS requires a cornucopia of approaches including ergonomic equipment, education, OOS polices, healthy working environments, OOS software and relaxation.
In conclusion, organisations have a moral and legal obligation to prevent
OOS. To not fulfil this obligation will result in human suffering and
increased costs to the organisation. To fulfil this obligation, the
organisation requires an attitude of belief and a structured approach to
the prevention of OOS. A structured approach will ensure that OOS is
not being ignored, and the benefits of the prevention actions can be analyses
quantitatively. OOS is real. It can be prevented. It is
both the employer's and the employee's responsibility to ensure that it
7.2 Details of further work that could be done in the area
Due to the limitations in depth and size inherent in a dissertation, there are many aspects of OOS in New Zealand that have either been only touched on, or completely ignored in this dissertation. Some future avenues of study include the following:
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