Figure 1: | Microsoft's Natural keyboard | 16 |
Figure 2: | The interface to WorkPace ©, an example of a break reminder tool | 19 |
Figure 3: | The opening screen to the Occupational Safety and Health "Floppy Ergonomist" | 20 |
Figure 4: | An example of preventive exercise contained in OSH's "Floppy Ergonomist" | 20 |
Figure 5: | Preferred methods of OOS education | 41 |
Figure 6: | Graph showing the make-up of managers' views of OOS | 45 |
Table 1: | Amount of hours spent on computers by employees. | 34 |
Table 2: | Chairs corresponding to OSH's recommendations of computer users chairs | 36 |
Table 3: | Provision of copy-holders to computers | 36 |
Table 4: | Provision of wrist-rests to computers | 37 |
Table 5: | Amounts of ergonomic keyboards in the organisation (compared to the total number of keyboards in the organisation). | 37 |
Table 6: | Statistics relating to the figures contained in Table 5 | 37 |
Table 7: | Total amount spent on ergonomic equipment | 39 |
Table 8: | Amounts spent on ergonomic equipment in 1996 | 39 |
Table 9: | Amounts budgeted for ergonomic equipment in 1996 | 40 |
Table 10: | Amounts spent on OOS education per year per employee | 42 |
Table 11: | Year when OOS policy was last updated | 44 |
Table 12: | Details of when the OOS policy is planned to be updated | 44 |
Table 13: | Effectiveness of break software | 47 |
Table 14: | Effectiveness of exercise software | 47 |
Table 15: | Cross-tabulation of the incidence of OOS within organisations and the organisation's knowledge of OSH code | 48 |
Table 16: | Statistical analysis of the correlation of the incidence of OOS within organisations and the organisation's knowledge of the OSH code | |
Table 17: | Cross-tabulation of the incidence of OOS within organisations and the existence of an OOS policy within the organisation | 50 |
Table 18: | Statistical analysis of the correlation of the incidence of OOS within organisations and the existence of a policy within the organisation | 50 |
| Contents | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 |