James M Sandbrook
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The Gospel According to Brodie.

The Gospel According to Brodie is a funny yet thoughtful look at life through the eyes of the author and her love for her dogs.
Brodie is a blind Labrador who she and her husband got when Brodie was a puppy.

What is really interesting is the authors take on God and life through her relationship with her dogs and the experiences that they have together. The author, Jennifer Rees Larcombe, tells this all as Lessons from a blind labrador.

Jennifer writes to a friend who is also in a wheelchair about her life and what is going on.

One day at church a young woman prays over Jennifer (she had never prayed over anyone before, yet many had prayed over Jennifer before) and miraculously Jennifer was able to walk again from that day onwards much to the upset of her dog at that time Minty, who seemed to prefer her owner/friend in the wheelchair and less active.

This is one of those touching heartfelt stories of life and how a woman see’s people and especially her new relationship with her blind dog and her love for God in her life. A delightful read.

126 pages.

1995 - ISBN 0 551 02985 4

First published in Great Briton in 1995 by Marshall Pickering.
