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Charles Dickens
He was an amateur magician.
He was an amateur hypnotist.
It is reported that his favourite colour was orange.
He learnt himself and taught his children the Italian and French languages.
Women in the U.S.A flocked around him when he danced to see if his (hair) "locks" were real.
He got pains in one side.
His feet would swell and hurt sometimes.
Sometimes he had trouble talking, especially after doing his "readings of his books".
He would cry when hearing something emotionally sad.
He would sob when very kind things were said of him, to him.
He had the ability to "capture" his audience to tears or joy.
When travelling around a town or city Dickens liked to go into a street just to have a look at it and because he hadn't seen it before.
He was always available to Miss Angela Burdett-Coutts (sometimes known as Queen of the Poor) for poverty projects. Both people dealt into philanthropic work. He spent much time trying to find ways to help the poor out of their plight. Sometimes after he found out about children being mistreated he would have to wait months before including it into his books because he was so enraged by this mistreatment of youngsters. Otherwise the inclusion would be fiercely negative (his angry personal feelings) and would "bring the book down", and not be entertaining and "get the true point across" to the public who previously new no better. He needed to help the public see the sufferers plight sympathetically and not angrily.
As a hypnotist it is said that he treated a woman who had spiritual problems.
He had a strange marriage breakup, one wonders if the truth will ever be found about this situation. His wife's sister continued to live with him after his wife had left, but they appear to have only been friends. He had a girlfriend (she is often quoted as his mistress). His children lived with him after his wife left (one boy stayed with his mother for a short while, about 2 years, it is said to keep her company).
He was involved in a train accident where his coach was the only coach to not plunge into a river, off a bridge. He said that his carriage was held in an impossible way - but it was "just" held. He helped many people over the next 2 hours, trying to keep them alive and trying to save their lives. He found the experience very disturbing, and was deeply affected when he travelled in the future.
Dickens was offended by a religion which laid more emphasis on saving the souls of the poor than saving their bodily needs.