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Measuring from one point to another does not need a store bought measuring tape or ruler, it can be done with anything, including just your arm or fingers.
If you find that you don’t have a measuring tape with you then you can use a piece
of string. Just hold one end on the start and the other on the finish, and you can
cut the string or just mark it with a pen, felt tip or hold it there with your fingers
and take it to where you want the measure to go, such as on the piece of wood you
want to cut to that size.
Even a piece of vine will do for a quick fast rough measurement.
I wanted to make a wooden box, the measurements didn’t need to be exact so I measured
the height from my fingertips to my wrist and the length of each side from my elbow
to my fingertips, then went away to make the box.
I discovered that when measuring wood or metal one can need to get the measurements down perfectly but not for sewing material for say making curtains.