James M Sandbrook of
Wairakei Place, Tokoroa, New Zealand.
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Helpful Tips & Tricks.

Here are some general tips that I have found or thought of over the years.

I hope you find them useful.

8 months ago (edited)

Protip for mixing epoxy that i discovered this week:

1) put it in some clingwrap

2) twist the clingwrap into a bag  

3) massage it around to mix

4) cut a hole to squirt out the mixed epoxy

Its cheap, disposable, easy cleanup, and its a built in dispenser!

What I wish I knew...

Abrev. Advice. Camera. Character. Children. Computing. Crosswords. Electronics.  Fitness/Martial Arts. Garden. Health. Homeschooling. Housework. Idioms. Jokes. Kitchen/Cooking. Measure. Mechanics/Machines. Motivation. Movies. Music. People.  Poetry. Proverbs. Reviews. School Education. Skills. Stories. Tips. Tools. Words/Accronyms. Woodwork.  Home