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Ability to discern evidence. To understand the evidence for what it is and not see it how we are told to see it, or are groomed or trained to read the evidence, but to see it for what it is rather than what other people tell us it is.
To the masses something may seem right, but to you with wisdom and clarity, you see it for what it is.
Your parent/s are bad people, but you are blindly loyal.
People may try to
tell you that your parents are bad, but your blind obedience, faith and loyalty to
your parents has you believing in them as they are family, and to you family is truth,
honesty and all things good and wonderful.
Years of life lessons, dealing with people, your parents, and your growth in knowledge and wisdom, you become able to discern who your parents really are, what they have done in your life and how they are not the people you had all those years supposed them to be.
“Discernment is the ability to see things as they really are and not what you want them to be.”
Discernment is the ability to obtain sharp perceptions or to judge well (or the activity of so doing). In the case of judgement, discernment can be psychological or moral in nature. In the sphere of judgement, discernment involves going past the mere perception of something and making nuanced judgements about its properties or qualities. Considered as a virtue, a discerning individual is considered to possess wisdom, and be of good judgement; especially so with regard to subject matter often overlooked by others. - Wikipedia.