James M Sandbrook
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Some suggestions that I have learned over the years about protecting data and keeping copies of what I have and also taking care of sensitive information.

It is easy to lose data on computers through hard drive crashes and lost files, file corruption, disc errors and corruption, DVD and CD scratches and the like.

A lesson I learned, make doubles of everything and keep copies.

I lost data on DVDs because I only made one copy, it would get scratched and I would lose everything.
So I decided for the most important files I would make two copies, or even sometimes 3-4 copies and then if anything happens to one, I would have the others to fall back on.

After computer crashes in the past where I lost all the data on the Hard Drives I now always have two large hard drives on my computer,  both with the most important files on “both of them”, so that if one crashes the other still has the information on it.

It is a horrible feeling when a hard drive crashes and all your information on it is lost with it.

I also print out more than one copy of important information, like important phone numbers etc.

If you have a phone list that you hang on the wall that you print out from time to time print out a copy or two and give it to others to use in their home and then if something happens to yours or your hard drive crashes you have another copy to base your new list on.

Its a lesson that when we lose something to make sure that in the future we have many copies of the same information.

Another thing I did, was when I took family photos I sent out copies to other people in the family so that if my house burned down other people would have the same photos and they would not be lost forever.

It occurred to me years ago also that if I put photos up on web sites and social media then they become copies and if family and friends download them then if anything happens to my copies they will have copies that I can get off them.

Uploading videos to YouTube for example, these are copies of your home movies, so you could have one on DVD, possibly a CD, your Hard Drive and on YouTube. Get the idea, many copies in many different places, preserved in case something happens to your main copy.

If you have sensitive information give it to other people who you trust and ask them not to open it unless something happens to you. A lawyer can do this as well.

Remember, don’t put all your eggs in the same basket, put them elsewhere so that if anything happens to you and your information, other people will also have it.

There are Apps that you can download to your phone that collect all your text messages and you can put them all on another phone, like a backup, so if one phone gets stolen or broken you still have all your text messages and contacts on another phone.

This is also a great way to back up all your text messages that are sensitive and you don’t want to lose them, such as for evidence, and if one phone disappears you have the text messages on several others.