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The Dremel is a rotary tool. There are others out there on the market that you may want, but this article is about the Dremel because that is what I own so that is where my experience with rotary tools is.
I found the Dremel to be useful for odd jobs that I was not able to easily do in the past.
For example it easily cuts through nails, and has cutting-discs that look frail but are very strong when used right.
They are small, thin and are very practical.
You can use the Dremel for cutting steel, sanding, drilling, carving, cutting, calligraphy, leatherwork, buffing, shaping, polishing (like jewelry for example or stones), as a router, and can be used on on wood, metal, glass, for electronics, and on plastic, and many other materials.
All in all the Dremel in its many versions is good for many small to large projects
and can give you a new edge to your work, a professional touch that can amaze you,
friends and family when they see the results of your efforts with the Dremel.
me, there are those odd jobs that I need that tool for that job that other tools
cannot do, and then I remember that I have the Dremel and the cutting discs or whatever,
and I get it and what would have been a hard job is done basically in no time.
there is the creative use of the Dremel where you can experiment with the Dremel
and its many attachments and enjoy yourself.
I will add some video’s below for you
to look at to give you some idea how other people use their Dremel.