James M Sandbrook
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What it means to be an Empath?

The term Empath comes from empathy, which is the ability to understand the experiences and feelings of others outside of your own perspective. ...

You actually sense and feel emotions as if they're part of your own experience. In other words, someone else's pain and happiness become your pain and happiness.

- Health Line.

A person who is able to feel the emotions of other people so much so that they can cry when others cry yet not even know why they are crying, they simply cry because they can sense and sympathise with the suffering of others.

Empath's make very good counsellors because they can “feel” the others feelings, emotions, and what they are going through and this gives them a strong foundation to offer help, listen and give advice.

Empath's don’t work from education of books, they work from the heart.

We are all capable of being Empath's, but many are abused or have rough lives and become hardened with time and are because of this survival mode and self protection they cannot feel or sense others sufferings and feelings.

People who are not using their Empath senses because they have become hardened with time can think that Empath’s are weak, yet it is the opposite (Apathy), Empath's are the human beings natural state, being hardened is the unnatural state and a state of material weakness.

Apathy is the opposite mental state to an Empath. yet because they grew up that way and are in Survival Mode mentally they think that they are emotional and Empath's, and they can even see genuine Empath’s as pathetic and over emotional, ad this is because those that are Apathetic cannot feel as Empath’s really do.

Narcissists are Apathetic, yet can actually fool themselves into thinking that they are Empath's.

10 Traits Empathic People Share
