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Etiquette For Every Occasion
Reviewed by James M Sandbrook - 12/11/2003.
A guide to good manners
Text © Angela Lansbury 1985
Illustrations © B.T. Batsford Ltd 1985
First Published 1985
ISBN 0 7134 4701 X
Printed and bound by Butler & Tanner Ltd.
Frome, Somerset for the publishers
B.T. Batsford Ltd
4 Fitzhardinge Street
London W1H0AH
1 Ceremonies-From Hatching to Dispatching 5
2 Invitations and Letters 16
3 Engagements and Marriages 21
4 Formal and Royal Occasions 33
5 Behaviour in Public Places 39
6 Party Manners 43
7 Dinners, Restaurants and Hotels 49
8 What to Wear 63
9 House Guests and Visitors 69
10 Dating and Bedroom Behaviour 77
11 Etiquette for the Traveller 79
Useful Books 94
Index 95
When I first saw this book I wasn't very interested in looking at it and thought that I new all their was to know about the subject matter, but one day while I had nothing to do I decided to have a look at it.
My eldest daughter brought the book and enjoyed it very much. I have to admit the book was a bit of a surprise for me and I learnt a fair bit about etiquette and where I failed with good manners.
As you can see from the Contents list above that this delightful book covers many subjects that many people would find useful. These are times when etiquette and good manners are not taught as an overly important subject to young people and many a parent could find this book very helpful as a resource while guiding their young.
One wonders if this book is a "snob" "How to" book, well it does feature Formal and Royal Occasions as a chapter, but my impression of the book is that its mainly trying to guide those that are curious how to act and react on certain occasions.
Good manners for many countries are mentioned for those going overseas and wondering how to behave without offending somebody while they are visiting, this book may be your life saver.
'Never ask if someone is pregnant. You risk getting the answer "No, I had it two months ago. I'm just fat!' Even if you have been in contact with German Measles there is no need to ask; simply point out that you have to inform friends in case they need to know.'
The above text is from the first chapter and it gives you a good idea how the writer approaches advice on good manners. During our lifetime we don't want to upset people that we meet and the advice offered in this book is designed to help you in difficult moments and prepare you for those events that you have not yet had the pleasure of attending and more...
'An invitation should tell guests some or all of the following:
The name of the host and hostess
Their address and telephone number
Whether a reply is required
The address of the event if different
What to wear
When to arrive and when to leave
What the event is celebrating
Whether a contribution such as a bottle or donation to charity is required'
The above quote is from chapter two Invitations And Letters. Here the author starts off with Formal Invitations and advice about how to go about sending, organising and formatting invitations. I learnt a bit here and was pleased that I would have a reference to use in the future.
She also mentions how to go about 'replying to formal invitations' with helpful advice for different occasions.
Chapter three starts with Announcements and then moves onto Engagement Parties,
'The young man can be congratulated. Do not congratulate the girl because this sounds as if she has chased after him and caught him. Instead you wish her every happiness. The same applies for the wedding.'
Hows that for good advice!
Next we move onto Planning which is about the wedding, who traditionally pays for what etc. Its good reading and interesting. We learn about the bridesmaids and best man and their parts that they have to play. Even the bachelor party is mentioned.
The Ceremony, Reception, Meal and Ceremonies... are all mentioned and advice is administered where its needed.
I enjoyed this book and all the good advice that it has to offer.
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