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The Wizard of Oz - Flying Monkeys!
The Wizard of Oz is often discussed as the classic tale symbolizing narcissism.
The entire movie can be analyzed within the framework of narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder.
Actually, it has been in the book, The Wizard of Oz and Other Narcissists: Coping with the One Way Relationship at Work, Love and Family.
However, the reason I have mention it here, is for the reference to the flying monkeys.
Flying monkeys is a term you will often see used when reading and learning about narcissists and narcissistic personality disorder.
Sometimes writers have used the term so often or for so long, they forget to define what it means for those who do not know.
The flying monkeys do the Wicked Witch's dirty work in the movie.
The Wicked Witch sends the flying monkeys after Dorothy.
Among other things, the Wicked Witch wants Dorothy's red slippers.
Notice in the clip the Wicked Witch is actually green, and that Dorothy has done nothing wrong.
She just has things the Wicked Witch wants. Thus, the people a narcissist manipulates and uses to abuse by proxy are often referred to as the flying monkeys.
- Gail Meyers.