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I like to shave off all my hair each Spring because I am active and the weather gets
warmer and I prefer short hair around this time of year.
.I have had this shaver for
a few days and have found it very useful. It is cordless, so it needs recharging
once in a while.
On top is a little trimmer for your beard, or moustache etc.
The shaver is only really effective according to the instructions if it is about
two days hair growth, if your hair is longer it is recommended that you use a hair
trimmer to get your hair short and then use the shaver, and once you are away with
the Remington shaver just remember to go over your head once every two days.
In the
past Remington has been known for its quality, but having never bought on of their
products as far as I can remember I never personally had any experience with their
I am finding this shaver useful because I use it to go over my normal shaving
routine on my face and then over my head, doing two jobs at once and that is helpful
and handy.
A small oil bottle, a small brush for cleaning the shaving area if you remove the
heads for cleaning (easily done), and a handy carry bag are included.
The carry bag
is for travelling, so that is a nice addition.
All in all, so far I think this is a good product and very useful, and it makes shaving ones head easy, fast and efficient.
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