James M Sandbrook
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Home Camera. Character. Children. Computing. Electronics.  Fitness/Martial Arts. Garden. Idioms. Jokes. Kitchen. Measuring.
Mechanics/Machines. Motivation. Movies. Music. People. Poetry. Reviews. School Education. Skills. Stories. Tools. Words/Accronyms.



Abdomen - L'abdomen (m) - Lab Domen

Cat  Le Chat  Le Cha ( Le Sha)

Corn  Le Maïs  Le Maise (Maize)

Knight  Le Cavalier

Knife  Le Couteau Le Koo To (Le Co Tu)

Love  L' amour L'Are More

Suit  Le Costume

There  La  Lah

Zoo  Le Zoo

Monkey  un singe

History  L'histoire

Greeting am Bonjour  Bon-jour (Good Morning)

Greeting pm Bonsoir  Bon-swar

Hi  Salut  Salou

Goodbye Au Revoir (Aure-Voir) Aor revoir?

Goodnight Bonne nuit

Yes  Oui

No  Non

Bonne nuit les enfants  - Good night children

A bientôt mon ami - See you soon my friend

I'm Fred from New York          Je suis Fred de New York

Thank you           Merci

Merci beaucoup  Thank you very much

Merci madame  Thank you madame

Je vous remercie.  I thank you

l'homme man

l'enfant  child

le nourrisson infant

la famille family

la femme woman

In French double letters simply sound as one.

The last thing to notice for this part of the lesson if one word finishes with an 'X', 'S' or 'Z' and the next word starts with a vowel or an 'H', you must link the words.

Pardon? Pardon Me

Pardon  Excuse Me

Pleased to meet you  Enchanté (En-can-té)

Enjoy your meal   Bon Appétit (Bon ape te)

Bonsoir mesdames et messieurs - Good evening ladies and gentlemen

Au revoir et à demain  - good bye and see you tomorrow.

1 Un  Eer

2 Deux  Der

3 Trios  Towa (Twa)

4 Quatre  Cat-e (Cat)

5 Cinq  Sank

6 Six  Sis (Sees)

7 Sept  Set (Sit - Jimmy says)

8 Huit  Whoit (Who - et)

9 Neuf  Newf

10 Dix  Des (Dees[e])