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A desire to work mischief or to inflict harm upon another.
Malice = ill-will, spite, grudge, a depraved and wicked disposition to injure others without cause.
Malice, and the spirit which prompts it, is distinct from envy, revenge, and cruelty, having no cause or pretext for its exercise, and being more secret and underhand in its action.
a) Malevolence = evil-wishing;
b) Malice = evil essaying;
c) Malignity = evil wishing and evil essaying, i.e a combination of a and b; the extreme, most despicable, and dangerous form of "spite'; a disposition delighting in, and bent on, inflicting unhappiness and harm on others.
Malice and its kindred devices, are distinctly included under, and prohibited by, the 6th and 9th Commandments, as being the chief disposing incentives to the perpetration of certain heinous crime.
- The Preachers Dictionary. E F Cavalier.
What is an example of malice?
Malice is defined as bad will or the desire to do bad things to another person.
An example of malice is when you hate someone and want to seek revenge. ...
An improper motive for an action, such as desire to cause injury to another.