James M Sandbrook
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For those who don't know this term, “flying monkeys” are people that a narcissist uses to do their bidding.

Sometimes, a narcissist will not attack you publicly in any way–which makes them look good–but they are privately telling carefully chosen people how evil and awful you are. They select these people the same way they chose you.

They are experts at reading people and realizing who will make an easy target and a puppet. They also know who won't, so they avoid the people they can't easily use.

Narcissists usually choose other, lesser, narcissists who will enjoy attacking you, or they choose very empathetic people who believe their stories and honestly believe they are supporting an innocent person.

These flying monkeys then proceed to stalk you and report back to the narcissist–again, either to be mean or because they think they are helping the wronged party. Or, the worst flying monkeys will spread the lies the narcissist tells them privately by taking them public. The lies don't come from the narcissist’s mouth, so they can claim they are “taking the high road,” but the words the flying monkeys spread are *exactly* what they heard from the narc. They do the narcissist’s evil, but make it seem like the narcissist isn't really involved. They have no idea they are being used.

The term comes from the flying monkeys in the Wizard of Oz since the wicked witch sends them to carry out her attacks. Most of the time, the narcissist has convinced the monkeys that the narcissist is the victim and the real victim is the abuser, so the monkeys go after the real victim and treat the real victim like the abuser. Although, I have seen some cases where the monkeys know who is the real abuser and who is the real victim, but just want to jump in on the attack on the victim. (Scary.)

- Joanna Moore.

A point that just occurred to me about Flying Monkeys is that when you become one often the Character Assassinator's taught you fear, and then as a Flying Monkey you were out into the world and taught many people to fear what you feared because you felt that this was a good thing to do.
This possibly means that your people around you were all scared because you taught them to be so along with the original Character Assassinator’s, so if you go to them for advice in finding the truth they will warn you because they are still living in fear as you taught them to be. The only freedom is finding out for yourself.

The Wizard of Oz - Flying Monkeys!

The Wizard of Oz is often discussed as the classic tale symbolizing narcissism.

The entire movie can be analysed within the framework of narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder.

Actually, it has been in the book,

The Wizard of Oz and Other Narcissists: Coping with the One Way Relationship at Work, Love and Family.

However, the reason I have mention it here, is for the reference to the flying monkeys.

Flying monkeys is a term you will often see used when reading and learning about narcissists and narcissistic personality disorder.

Sometimes writers have used the term so often or for so long, they forget to define what it means for those who do not know.

The flying monkeys do the Wicked Witch's dirty work in the movie.

The Wicked Witch sends the flying monkeys after Dorothy.

Among other things, the Wicked Witch wants Dorothy's red slippers.

Notice in the clip the Wicked Witch is actually green, and that Dorothy has done nothing wrong.

She just has things the Wicked Witch wants.

Thus, the people a narcissist manipulates and uses to abuse by proxy are often referred to as the flying monkeys.

- Gail Meyers.

The ‘Smear Campaign’

and those minions, flying monkeys or the Narcissist’s pawns

– it is ALL part of the Narcissist’s network to function in EVERY aspect of life

and a counter offensive to protect themselves from EXPOSURE of who and what they are!

- ANA - After Narcissistic Abuse.


The narcissist creates suspicion where there is nothing to worry about. They need to keep the victim away from help so they create a seed of suspicion about anyone who is helpful to the victim that would encourage the victim to remove his or her life from the narcissist to get real help.

The narcissist also creates that same suspicion about good people in all of the narcissist's "flying monkeys', those who are unknowingly doing the dirty deeds for the narcissist. This ensures that the flying monkeys keep the victim away from the one/s who can really help the victim, and firmly keeps the victim in the control of the narcissist.

All the best from

James M Sandbrook.


The Narcissist, "Everyone's Against You!" tool:

The narcissist types use the emotions and the lack of confidence of their victims in their own favour. There are martial arts forms that use your strengths against you or your force. The narcissist will use your weaknesses in their favour and keep the victim living always with a lack of confidence, lack of faith in themselves and others, and lack of courage.

They can use the "Everyone's Against You!" tool. Meaning that they will tell you that "it is the world against you and I" or "Its the world against you, and 'I' am the only one who you can really trust." etc. This creates a bond, a pact, (A so-called comfort zone for the needy clingy victim to run back to when scared) an unspoken agreement that the two should stay together to take on the world or at least the narcissist pretends to be doing all that they can for the victims future (yet the victims circumstances may change from time to time, confidence and courage never really improve much) etc.

The victim, already lacking drastically in confidence feels that he or she is the victim needing help, needing someone with them at all times to help and protect them will feel comforted by these thoughts and will feel loved and protected.

The problem is that the victim always stays unconfident, always lacks courage, always is socially awkward, always is "needing the help of the narcissist". The narcissist has to make sure that the victim will always be mentally and spiritually weak minded. The narcissist will hand the victim over to another narcissist so that the original narcissist (parent/s etc) can remain in control. This could be the original parent making sure that her daughter marries a boy who is controlled by his mother and they both remain in control of the lives of their child.

By the way narcissism is alive and well in churches and there are church leaders who are narcissist-types and they milk the sympathy of the congregation and train the congregation what to think and to reject any help from elsewhere due to fears of losing their position. Always beware of religious leaders who run down other religious people - it is fear, jealousy and insecurity that causes their dislike of the competition. Please be wary and open minded about churches and how they are run so that you can see, sense and note narcissist type behaviour and get out of there.

This is why it is commonly said that the victim will never be cured while in the hands of the person/people who made the victim a victim in the first place.

All the best from

James M Sandbrook.

August 27, 2017 at 9:23 AM.

The human mind is a wonderful computer, and it compares what it knows against what is presented before it.

At school we learned about statistics, science, logic, common sense, and all this helps the mind to process new information as well as what it already knows. We learned about the odds of something happening, logical reasoning, the obvious, and the impossibility of certain things happening.

In the seducing art of Character Assassination people are presented with lies and (fake) evidence (no matter how clever, expensively put together, and believable, it is still fake), and this "evidence" is believed as the truth, nothing but the truth.

Those who were lied to solidly believe the liar because it is someone they trust, love, or even admire, an old friend etc - there is an emotional connection. They have some form of emotional tie to the liar.

The liar is a professional at the art and knows that these people they have seduced have this emotional tie to them and so they use it to seduce them, and the Narcissist knows that the lies will be forever believed because of the "friendship", "love" "emotional connection" etc that ties the seduced to the liar. The Narcissist liar

has no love or friendship with anyone, they don't feel it as those who love them, if they did feel true love they would never mislead or lie to people they loved.

Those who were lied to have a core belief in the lie. But as time goes by they are constantly bombarded with the real truth, so the liars have to keep reinforcing the lie with more lies and explanations to support and hold up the Character Assassination.

But still more evidence comes forth because the person lied about is not guilty and is in truth a good soul - bad news (lies and Character Assassination) spread fast, good news spreads more slowly but if a person is a good soul it does become clearly evident.

The people who back up and support the Character Assassination are called Flying Monkeys and they often see proof that they were lied to, but they don't process the lies against logic, common, sense, statistics, the impossibility of coincidences, they compare what they see against the person who lied to them, and it is their

adoration, belief, love or whatever that keeps them being a Flying Monkey and believing in the lies, even though a time comes when it is clearly obvious they were fooled by a professional Narcissist, they still tend to favour emotionally the liar.

Many people stick to the lies because pride refuses to believe that they were seduced into believing the lies and possibly harming an innocent person. They stick to the lies because they believe the liar, not what the liar says. What they are doing is allowing (enabling) the Character Assassination to continue, for the innocent

person (and their family) to be harmed etc. Their real enemy is their own pride and allowing themselves to be continually seduced while faced with convincing clear evidence showing that the person who seduced them is a liar.

Only the truth will set them free.

All the best from

James M Sandbrook.


What I wish I knew...
Are you being used as a flying monkey for a narcissist?
James M Sandbrook
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