Copyright © All rights reserved. Made by James Martin Sandbrook.
Home Camera. Character. Children. Computing. Electronics. Fitness. Garden. Idioms.
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Some years back I designed and made my own Sawhorse. It was bigger and easier to use for me as I didn’t have to bend so far because many sawhorse’s are low. I highly recommend that you make your own, just for the experience, for something to make on a rainy day and for its use for your projects made to the height that suits you and with anything else you want added to it, like for holding your hammer and other gear. Ideas below are mostly inches and feet, the USA system, so it pays to learn something about the Imperial System. I, like many other people, tend to sue both Metric and Imperial depending on the work I am doing.
Folding Sawhorse Showdown!
20 Minute Folding Sawhorses.
Copyright © All rights reserved. Made by James Martin Sandbrook.
Home Camera. Character. Children. Computing. Electronics. Fitness. Garden. Idioms.
Jokes. Kitchen. Measuring. Mechanics/Machines.
Motivation. Movies. Music. People.
Poetry. Reviews. School Education. Skills. Stories. Tools. Words/Accronyms. Woodwork.