James M Sandbrook
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First Tip:

I had an old copy of my Windows files on another disk. Probably it was an old Windows disk.

But when installed on my PC as a spare disc MS Windows wouldn't give permission to delete this folder because of the windows files in it even though they were not being used and were from years ago.

After some search on the Internet I found this answer and it worked like a dream on my PC.

What worked for me was a simplified version of this suggestion:

  1.     Rename the Windows folder to Windows.old
  2.     Run Disk Cleanup from the Start menu
  3.     Select the drive containing the Windows.old folder
  4.     Previous "Windows Installation(s)" then click on OK

Most people use Ctrl + C for Copy on Windows, but I have always from the get go used Ctrl + Insert.

I have been told in computer courses they state to use Ctrl + C for Copy on Windows, but I read a technical book and they stated that we should use Control Key plus the Insert key and that is what I use without even thinking.

For Paste I have always used Shift + Insert, not Ctrl + V as many people use, but both work so just use which feels right for yu.