Copyright © All rights reserved. Made by James Martin Sandbrook.
Abrev. Advice. Character. Children. Computing. Crosswords. Driving. Education. Electronics. Fitness/Self Defence.
Garden/Yard. History. Health. House Ideas. How To. Jokes. Kitchen/Cooking. Magic. Measure. Mechanics/Machines. Motivation.
Movies. Music. NZ. OOS/RSI. People. Personal Care. Photography. Poetry. Projects. Proverbs. Religion. Reviews. Sewing.
Skills/Hobbies. Slang. Stories. The Book. The Mind. Tips. Tools. Whats It Mean? Words. Woodwork.
When I wrote computer software for the PC I tried to always keep it down to a single
executable for ease of use for the customer.
With KiwiWordPro Word processor I only
allowed the KiwiWordPro.exe to start up and any additional items/software started
up only when clicked on a menu in the software. I had included a CD Player program
so you could listen to a CD while using the KiwiWordPro Word processor.
When the KiwiWordPro
Word processor software was "run" from Windows "only the KiwiWordPro Word processor"
would be put in memory and that reduced startup time for the software a lot.
the likes of overstuffed MS Word it loaded a huge amount of stuff and the KiwiWordPro
Word processor run up in about 5 seconds on some computers MS Word took a minute
or so, it was over stuffed, very slow and cumbersome and many switched from MS Word
to the KiwiWordPro Word processor for that reason.
Microsoft products were well known for their many options and features that people didn't want, and that is why they were so slow to run up and you were looking at the hourglass and Startup Screen for so long.
So my goal was to make other “modules” or “executables” and then sue those as added software that were installed into the working directory/folder of the product (IN this case KiwiWordPro).
Microsoft came up with the DLL, Dynamic Linked Library, and were stored int he product folder or the likes of System32.
Within the DLL’s were images, codes and procedures and they are a very handy idea,
but if I used only my own stuff and not DLL’s it also mean that my software was completely
independent of other libraries and only relied on the Operating System.
It was a nice
way of doing things and was fast to run, and if you wanted the likes of the CD Player
it would run up only when needed unlike many other software applications.
One should always write software with the customer in mind, designing to suit their needs, ease of use, fast times, and efficient service.
The Delphi IDE. is about the Delphi Programming Environment and getting familiar with it so that your production is as fast and efficient as possible.
Database with Delphi. Misc Delphi Tips.
This is my old “Delphi & Programming/Web/OS/Linux/Kylix News!” page.
Probably most of the links don’t work, its around 200-2002 I suppose. It is an example how you could have a programming news page on your web site.
Making a basic wizard/expert with Delphi by Tracey Sandbrook.
Colours in OS Microsoft Windows.
Using Units in Delphi Developing.
Ever wanted to use Read/ReadLn/Write/WriteLn textfile functions on a stream? Here's how!
Using the component TStringGrid.
Working with the statusbar with code examples.
TMainMenu - by Tracey Sandbrook.
Loading cursors into your projects!
Examples of using Strings/Text with Delphi.
Hardware I/O Port Programming with Delphi and NT.