James M Sandbrook
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Home Camera. Character. Children. Computing. Electronics.  Fitness/Martial Arts. Garden. Health.  Idioms. Jokes. Kitchen. Measuring.
Mechanics/Machines. Motivation. Movies. Music. People. Poetry. Reviews. School Education. Skills. Stories. Tips. Tools. Words/Accronyms.


List of Programming words:

You could print this list out and hang it on the wall.

  1.      ANSI - American National Standards Institute
  1.      API - Application Program Interface
  2.      ATM - Automated Teller Machine
  3.      ATM - Asynchronous Transfer Mode
  4.      AVI - Audio Visual Interleaved (Ext)
  5.      BCD - Binary Coded Decimal
  6.      BDEADMIN.HLP - BDE Administrator Online Guide and Help File
  7.      BDE32.CNT - BDE Contents File
  8.      BDE - Borland Database Engine
  9.      BMP - Bitmapped File (Ext)
  10.      BOF - Beginning-Of-File
  11.      CGI - Common Gateway Interface
  12.      CLI - Call Level Interface
  13.      CLSID - Class Identifier
  14.      COM - Component Object Model
  15.      DB - Database
  16.      DBD - Database Desktop
  17.      DCE - Distributed Computing Environment
  18.      DCP - A Compiled Package (Ext)
  19.      DCR - A Palette Bitmap (Ext)
  20.      DCU - A Compiled Unit (Ext)
  21.      DCOM - Distributed COM - communications protocol and object model
  22.      DDE - Dynamic Data Exchange
  23.      DELPHI.DMT - Delphi
  24.      DHTML - Dynamic HTML
  25.      DLL - Dynamic Link Library
  26.      DFM - Delphi ForM
  27.      DNS - Domain Name Services
  28.      DOS - Disk Operating System
  29.      DPC - A Package Collection (Ext)
  30.      DPL - A Package (Ext)
  31.      EMF = Enchanced Metafile Format
  32.      EOF - End Of File
  33.      EXP - Export Library (file)
  34.      FTP - File Transfer Protocol
  35.      GDI - Graphics Device Interface
  36.      GUI - Graphics Users Interface
  37.      HLP - Help File (Ext)
  38.      HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol
  39.      IDAPI.CFG - BDE configuration file
  40.      IDAPI - Integrated Database Application Program Interface
  41.      IDL - Interface Description Language
  42.      IETF - Internet Engineering Task Force
  43.      IIS - Internet Information Server
  44.      IIOP - Internet Inter-ORB Protocol
  45.      IME - Input Method Editor
  46.      IPC - Interprocess Communications.
  47.      ISAM - Indexed Sequential Access Method
  48.      IT - Information Technology
  49.      KWF - A Help Keyword (Ext)
  50.      LAN - Local Area Network
  51.      LB - Library Manager
  52.      LD - Language Driver
  53.      LIBS - Local InterBase Server
  54.      LINK - Linker
  55.      MEM - Memory
  56.      MIDL - Microsoft IDL Compiler
  57.      MIME - Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
  58.      MF
  59.      NNTP - Network News Transfer Protocol
  60.      NT - Network
  61.      ODL - Object Description Language
  62.      OLE - Object Linking and Embedding
  63.      OOP - Object-Oriented Programming
  64.      ORB - Object Request Broker
  65.      OS - Operating System
  66.      PAS - Delphi/Pascal File - Delphi Unit is a .pas file. object PAScal.
  67.      POP - Post Office Protocol
  68.      OBE - Query by Example
  69.      RAD - Rapid Application Development
  70.      RC - Resource Compiler
  71.      RDBMS - Relational Database Managment Systems
  72.      RES - Resource File
  73.      RFC - Request for Comment
  74.      RLE - Run-Length Encoding
  75.      RTF - Rich Text Format
  76.      SDK - Software Development Kit
  77.      SEQUEL - Structured English QUEry Language
  78.      SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
  79.      SQL - Structured Query Language
  80.      TLIBIMP - Type Library Import
  81.      TPF - Transaction Processing Facility
  82.      WANs - Wide Area Networks
  83.      WAV - Wave
  84.      VCL - Visual Component Library
  85.      UI - User Interface
  86.      UNC - Universal Naming Convention
  87.      URI - Uniform Resource Identifier
  88.      URL - Uniform Resource Locator
  89.      WWW - World Wide Web

     XNS -  Xerox Network System

Home Camera. Character. Children. Computing. Electronics.  Fitness/Martial Arts. Garden. Health.  Idioms. Jokes. Kitchen. Measuring.
Mechanics/Machines. Motivation. Movies. Music. People. Poetry. Reviews. School Education. Skills. Stories. Tips. Tools. Words/Accronyms.