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18 Volt Battery Grinder
18 volt Li-ion Cordless 115mm Angle Grinder
About two days ago my 18 volt battery powered grinder arrived.
I got it from TopMaq
I am going more and more cordless with my tools these days.
Often I see people inline selling bulk cord powered tools as they go cordless as well, for the mere convenience of not using power cords. I had never imagined the freedom of battery powered tools because for years I have been using tools that plug into the electrical outlets and have had to try to avoid the cord getting caught up, or trying to avoid tripping over the power cord of the electrical tool, or the extension cord attached tot he electrical tool, etc, so I was used to the cords and didn’t think that cordless was that big a deal.
One look at the extreme pricing of some of the big companies like DeWalt and then you read the reviews of the DeWalt drill or whatever not being that great anyway, one tends to stick with what they are used to and what has worked for them for years. These expensive tools are just a tad out of the budget of many a family man who just wants to use the tool around his home once in a while.
Of course for many years I have had various battery operated drills because of the
convenience of using the drill around the yard, but the drills I had were dated and
the power not the best, until recently I bought a new drill and found it much better.
the subject of grinders and cords, years ago I put down a grinder that I had been
using and had not noticed the cord and sadly cut into the cord for the grinder, meaning
that it was too dangerous to use now and I would have to replace the cord. If I had
a battery powered grinder this would never have happened.
My lesson was to be more careful in the future.
In the past I would never have dreamed that battery powered tools can have so much power as they do today, they truly are a modern marvel. Sadly, as these things die out they add to the pollution of the planet.
Because of the cord, setting the grinder up that I have in the garage, bringing it inside I would normally do simple small grinding jobs some other ways, same as simple cutting jobs. I must have used the electrical corded grinder 3 times last year, so I was unsure if buying a 18 volt grinder was a good idea, but in 3 days I have used the 18 volt grinder about 4 times so far, it is so convenient, simple to use, has plenty of power and can be picked up, and the job done easily.
The Nordic seemed a good choice as I had their chainsaw and this so far has been an excellent product, so I already had the 18 volt battery for that and I didn’t want to spend too much I something I mistakenly assumed that I would hardly use.
It was only $57.90 including GST New Zealand dollars so I got it. I also got some other tools from that company at the same time. TOPMAQ.
As I said the parcel came a few days ago and I have used the grinder many times and found the power has been very good for each application. Not sure how it would go all out for an hour or so, but I only use it for small stuff around the home.
One of the companies ion town that allows me to get their wood finishing off cuts and other wood had a shop made pallet which I grabbed for free. It was made out of a very nice plywood, so I cut off the nails that held it together and now I have a nice sheet of plywood to use on other projects, all for free.
My review is that it is an easy to use, powerful, grinder that uses normal grinding discs, and comes with a disc tightener that is far better than others that I have go with more expensive grinders.
This review is not of the Nordic grinder, but more about the simple, easy to use,
and versatility of the battery operated grinders that you can buy these days and
how you will find yourself using them far more than you would have used the corded
grinder that sits in the garage gathering dust.
The Nordic grinder is a good grinder
I think for the handy man or woman for use around the home.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
16th of February, 2021.
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