Copyright © All rights reserved. Made by James Martin Sandbrook.
Abrev. Advice. Camera. Character. Children. Computing. Crosswords. Electronics. Fitness/Martial
Arts. Garden. Health. Homeschooling. Housework. Idioms. Jokes. Kitchen/Cooking. Measure.
Mechanics/Machines. Motivation. Movies. Music. People. Poetry. Proverbs. Reviews.
School Education. Skills. Stories. Tips. Tools. Words. Woodwork. Home
AA - Alcoholics Anonymous - Associate in Arts.
AAA - American Academy of Advertising - American Automobile Association - Anti-Aircraft Artillery - Agricultural Adjustment Administration - Against All Authority - Access All Areas - Animal-Assisted Activity.
AAB - Above And Beyond.
AAC - Army Air Corps - Augmentative and alternative communication - Advanced Audio Coding.
AAD - Analogue Analogue Digital (recording technique) - Advanced Alloy Duct - American Association of Dermatology - ASCII Adjust before Division - Advanced Agility Dog - Application Architecture Design - Absolute Average Deviation - Academic and Athletic Development - Action Against Drugs - Additional Authorized Driver - Applied Acoustic Design.
AAE - Automatic Assemble Editing - Accredited Airport Executive - Army Acquisition Executive - Average Annual Earnings - Academy for Academic Excellence - Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering - Association of American Educators - Animal Assisted Education.
AAF - Army Air Force - American Advertising Federation - Alliance of American Football - "Always and Forever".
AAG - Assistant Adjutant-General - Association of American Geographers - At A Glance - Assistant Attorney General - Almost Anything Goes - Anime And Games.
AAH - Advanced Attack Helicopter - Automated Alarm Handling - Association For Art History - All Around Helper.
AAI - Abbreviations, Acronyms and Initialisms - All Appropriate Inquiry - Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure - ACTS ATM Internetwork - Advanced Artificial Intelligence - Artificial Artificial Intelligence - Augmented Artificial Intelligence - Automatic Accounting Instructions.
AAJ - Administrative Appeals Judge - American Association of Jurists - American Association for Justice - All About Jazz.
AAK - An Adorable Kitten - Aim, Attack, Kill - Alive and Kickin - Asleep at Keyboard - Assembly Add-on Kit.
AAL - ATM Adaptation Layer - Active Assisted Living - Aid Association for Lutherans - Advanced Academic Literacy - African American Language - Actually Audibly Laughed - Anywhere Anytime Learning - Access Activity Log - Administrative Assistants Limited - Airplanes Always Late - Attorney At Law.
AAM - American Academy of Microbiology – Air to Air Missile - All About Me - ASCII Adjust after Multiply - As A Matter - Automatic Acoustic Management.
AAN - Access Area Network - An Amazing Night - Activity Accounting Number - Agency Action Notice.
AAO - Alert and oriented - All At Once - American Association of Ophthalmology - Against All Odds - All at Once - Academic Affairs Office - Awake, Alert and Oriented.
AAP - Area Action Plan - Australian Associated Press - All About People - Ask a Professor.
AAQ - Automated Application Quality - Assumed asinine question - Ask A Question - Auditory Attention Quotient.
AAR - Against All Risks.
AAS - Advanced Automation System - Associate in Applied Science - Alive And Smiling - ASCII Adjust after Subtraction - Average Annual Salary - Almost A Star.
AAT - Alpha-1-Anti-Trypsin (treatment for cystic fibrosis)
AAU - Amateur Athletic Union (america)
AAV - Association of Avian Veterinarians
AAW - All Around the World
AAX - Area of Absolute eXclusion
AAY - Always All Yours
AAZ - Areas And Zones
ABA - American Basketball Association
ABB - abbreviation
ABC - Australian Broadcasting Corporation
ABD - abdicated
ABE - Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol (solvent)
ABF - Absolute Bloody Final (drink)
ABG - Aterial Blood Gas
ABH - Actual Bodily Harm
ABI - Association of British Insurers
ABK - Kabri Dar, Ethiopia (ABK)
ABL - American Basketball League
ABM - Anti-Ballistic Missle
ABN - AirBorN
ABO - Adiabatic Born-Oppenheimer
ABP - Archbishop
ABQ - airport code: Albuquerque
ABR - abridged
ABS - American Broadcasting System
ABT - About
ABU - Acceptance for Beneficial Use
ABV - above
ABW - alcohol by weight (abw)
ABX - Antibiotics
ABY - Alliance of Baptist Youth
ACA - Audio Compression Algorithm
ACB - Australian Cricket Board
ACC - Accelerate
ACD - acid citrate dextrose
ACE - Allied Command, Europe
ACF - Army Cadet Force
ACG - Assistant Chaplain-General
ACH - Acetylcholine
ACI - American Concrete Institute
ACJ - American Communication Journal
ACK - acknowledged
ACL - Access Control List
ACM - Air Chief-Marshall
ACN - All Concerned Notified
ACO - Administrative Contract Office
ACP - African, Carribean and Pacific (countries)
ACQ - acquisition
ACR - Audio Cassette Recorder
ACS - Additional Curates Society
ACT - Australian Capital Territory
ACU - Association of Commonwealth Universities
ACV - Air-Cushion Vehicle
ACW - AirCraftWoman
ADA - computer programming language (after Ada Lovelace)
ADB - Accidental Death Benefit
ADC - Air Defence Command
ADD - Analogue Digital Digital
ADE - Arizona Department of Education
ADF - Approved Deposit Fund
ADG - Assistant Director-General
ADH - AntiDuretic Hormone
ADI - Approved Driving Instructor
ADK - Ammosov Delone and Krainov atomic tunnelling model
ADL - Ada design language
ADM - administration
ADN - international vehnicle registration for Yemen
ADO - ActiveX Data Objects
ADP - Automatic Data Processing
ADQ - Audits of Data Quality
ADR - Additional Dialogue Recording (film jargon)
ADS - After Dinner Speaking
ADT - Australian Digital Theses program
ADU - Avian Demography Unit
ADV - advance
ADW - Asymptotic Distorted Wave
ADX - Automatic Digital eXchange
AEA - Atomic Energy Authority
AEB - Associated Examining Board
AEC - Additional Extended Coverage
AED - Automated External Defibrilator
AEE - Auronautical Engineer
AEF - American Expeditionary Forces
AEG - Advanced Engineering from Germany
AEI - American Express International
AEJ - Association of European Journalists
AEK - All-Electric Kitchen [ie no gas]
AEL - Adverse Effect Level
AEM - Air Efficiency Medal
AEN - Alberta Environmental Network
AEO - Assication of Exhibition Organisers
AEP - American Electrical Power
AEQ - aequalis (Latin: equal)
AER - Army Emergency Reserve
AES - Audio Engineering Society
AET - aetatis (Latin: at the end of, aged)
AEU - Amalgamated Engineering Union
AEV - American Emergency Vehicles
AEW - Airborne Early Warning
AEX - Amsterdam (stock) EXchange
AEY - Auger Electron Yield
AEZ - Alkaline Earth Zeolite
AFA - Associate in Fine Arts
AFB - Air Force Base
AFC - American Football Conference
AFD - Automatic File Distribution
AFE - Analog Front End
AFF - affiliated
AFG - Afghanistan
AFH - Air Force Handbook
AFI - American Film Institute
AFJ - Alliance For Justice
AFK - Away From Keyboard
AFL - American Federation of Labor
AFM - Air Force Medal
AFN - All For Nothing
AFO - Animal Feeding Operations
AFP - Agence France-Presse
AFR - Africa
AFS - American Field Scholarship
AFT - after
AFU - alt.folklore.urban [Usenet newsgroup]
AFV - Armoured Fighting Vehicle
AFX - Attack Fighter eXperimental
AFZ - Auto-Free Zone
AGA - Aktiebolaget Gasackumulator (cooker)
AGB - Association of Governing Boards
AGC - Advanced Graduate Certificate
AGD - Agreed
AGE - Agricultural Engineer
AGG - Attributed Graph Grammar system
AGH - Australian General Hospital
AGI - Associate of the Institute of certified Grocers
AGK - Academy of Goju Karate
AGL - Australian Gas Light company
AGM - Annual General Meeting
AGN - Active Galactic Nucleus
AGO - Attorney General of Ontario
AGP - Accelerated Graphics Port
AGR - Advanced Gas-cooled (nuclear) Reactor
AGS - Associate in General Studies
AGT - agent
AGU - Anhydroglucose Units
AGV - Automated Guided Vehicle
AGW - Actual Gross Weight
AGY - agency
AHA - Australian Hotels Association
AHB - Assault Helicopter Battalion
AHC - Accepting Houses Committee
AHD - Ahead
AHF - AntiHaemophilic Factor
AHG - Ad Hoc Group
AHH - Aryl Hydrocarbon Hydroxylase (used in tobacco research)
AHJ - Authority Having Jurisdiction
AHL - Animal Health Laboratories
AHM - Acutely Hazardous Materials
AHP - Arkansas Highway Police
AHQ - Allied HeadQuarters
AHR - After Heat Removal
AHS - Ashland High School
AHT - Average Holding Time
AHU - Air Handling Unit
AHW - Atomic Hydrogen Welding
AIA - Associate of the Institute of Actuaries
AIB - Academy of International Business
AIC - Associate of the Institute of Commerce
AID - Artificial Insemination by Donor
AIE - Associate of the Institute of Education
AIF - Australian Imperial Forces
AIG - Associate of the Institute of certified Grocers
AIH - Artificial Insemination by Husband
AII - Acceptance Inspection Instruction
AIJ - Activities Implimented Jointly
AIK - Aircraft Installation Kits
AIL - Associate of the Institution of Linguists
AIM - Accuracy In Media
AIN - Advanced Intelligent Network
AIO - Activities, Interests and Opinions
AIP - Associate of the Institute of Plumbing
AIQ - All Is Quiet
AIR - All-India Radio
AIS - Academic Instruction School
AIT - Association of Inspectors of Taxes
AIU - Accident Investigation Unit
AIV - Armoured Infantry Vehicle
AIW - Allied Industrial Workers
AIX - Advanced Interactive eXecutive
AIZ - Anti-Imperialistische Zelle(n) (German)
AJA - American of Japanese Ancestry
AJC - Australian Jockey Club
AJD - Anti-Jam Display
AJL - Association of Jewish Libraries
AJM - Abrasive Jet Machining
AJP - Advanced Joint Planning
AJQ - Assignment and Justification Questionnaire
AJS - Albert John Stevens (British motor cycle manufacturer)
AKA - Also Known As
AKC - Associate of King's College (London)
AKD - Alkyl Ketene Dimer
AKI - Alaskan Independent Party
AKM - Automated Key Management
AKN - Army Knowledge Network
AKO - Army Knowledge On-line
AKS - Aluminum-Potassium-Silicon
AKW - Atomkraftwerk
ALA - Alabama
ALB - albumin
ALC - Automatic Level Control
ALD - Alderman
ALE - Atropine, Lidocaine, Epinephrine
ALF - Annual Licence Fee
ALG - algebra
ALI - Argyl Light Infantry
ALJ - Australian Law Journal
ALK - alkali
ALL - American Liberty League
ALM - AudioLingual Method (in teaching a foreign language)
ALO - Air Liaison Officer
ALP - Australian Labour Party
ALR - Action Leakage Rate
ALS - Autograph Letter Signed
ALT - Agricultural Lands Tribunal
ALU - Arithmetic and Logic Unit (computing)
AMA - American Medical Association
AMB - Asparagus Mustard Blancmange (!)
AMC - American Motor Company
AMD - amend
AME - Association of Municipal Engineers
AMF - Adios My Friend
AMG - Allied Military Government
AMH - Aviation Structural Mechanic (Hydraulics) US Navy Rating
AMI - Acute Myocardial Infarction
AMJ - American Muslims for Jerusalem
AML - Acute Myeloid Leukemia
AMM - And Much More
AMN - Artificial Mains Network
AMO - Aviation Medical Officer
AMP - Adenosine MonoPhosphate
AMQ - Another Moronic Question
AMR - Atlantic Missile Range
AMS - American Musicological Society
AMT - amount
AMU - Atomic Mass Unit
AMV - Armored Maintenance Vehicle
AMW - ALARA Management Worksheet
AMX - American Motorcross(X)
AMY - Ampere Modulated Yielding
ANA - All Nippon Airways
ANB - Aids to Navigation Boat
ANC - African National Congress
AND - Associate Administrator for NAS Development
ANE - Anarchy 'N' Explosives
ANF - Atlantic Nuclear Force
ANG - Air National Guard
ANH - Anhang (German: appendix, of a book)
ANI - Automatic Number Identification
ANL - Argonne National Laboratory
ANM - Abbreviation with No Meaning
ANN - annals
ANO - Automatic Network Operator
ANP - Actual Navigation Performance
ANR - another
ANS - Acorn NetStation
ANT - antenna
ANU - Australian National University
ANZ - Australia and New Zealand banking group
AOA - Air Officer in charge of Administration
AOB - Any Other Business
AOC - Apellation d'Origine Controlee
AOD - Army Ordnance Department
AOE - Age Of lEgends
AOF - Absolute Open Flow
AOG - Aircraft on Ground
AOH - Ancient Order of Hibernians
AOI - Automatic Optical Inspection
AOK - All OK (alright)
AOL - America OnLine
AOM - Association of Ontario Midwives
AON - Art Of Noise
AOP - Any Old Place
AOQ - Average Outgoing Quality
AOR - And
AOS - All Over the Shop
AOT - Aerosol Open Test
AOU - American Ornithologists' Union
AOW - All Over the World
AOX - Adsorbable Organohalogens
APA - Amateur Press Association
APB - All Points Bulletin (US)
APC - Armoured Personnel Carrier
APD - Army Pay Department
APE - Asterisk Placement Executive
APF - Association for the Propogation of the Faith
APG - Accelerating Population Growth
APH - AntePartum Haemorrhage
API - American Petroleum Institute
APJ - Astrophysical Journal [Space]
APK - Amplitude Phase Keying
APL - Associative Programming Language
APM - Assistant Provost-Marshall
APN - Asia Pacific Networx
APO - Armed Forces (or Army) Post Office
APP - apparatus
APR - Annual Percentage Rate
APS - American Psychological Society
APT - Advanced Passenger Train
APU - Acute Psychiatric Unit
APV - Accounts Payable Voucher
APW - Augmented Plane Wave
APX - approximately
AQA - Air Quality Assessment
AQC - Air Quality Control
AQF - Advanced Quick Fix
AQH - Average Quarter Hour
AQI - Air Quality Index
AQK - Any Quick Kiss
AQL - Acceptable Quality Level
AQM - Air Quality Monitoring
AQO - Automated Quality Organization
AQP - Acquisition Quality Plan
AQR - Approximate and Qualitative Reasoning group
AQS - Air Quality Standard
AQT - Analytical Query Time
ARA - Associate of the Royal Academy
ARB - arbitrager
ARC - Agricultural Research Council
ARD - Assistant Resident Director
ARE - Admiralty Research Establishment
ARF - Acute Respiratory Failure
ARG - arginine
ARH - Agence rgionale de l'hospitalisation
ARI - Accelerated Research Initiative
ARJ - Admission Reject
ARK - Arkansas
ARL - Access Rights List
ARM - Applied Research Methods
ARN - ATS Route Network
ARO - After Receipt of Order
ARP - Air-Raid Precautions
ARQ - Automatic Repeat reQuest
ARR - arrangement
ARS - Advanced Righting System
ART - Applied Risc Technologies
ARU - Audio Response Unit
ARV - American (standard) Revised Edition
ARX - the ARX is a great stone book in the state of Ladonia
ARZ - Auto-Restricted Zone
ASA - Angle Side Angle
ASAP - As Soon As Possible.
ASB - Alternative Service Book (church of england)
ASC - Army Service Corps
ASD - Armament Supply Department
ASE - Association for Science Education
ASF - Associate of the Institute of Shipping and Forwarded Agents
ASG - Access Service Group
ASH - Action on Smoking and Health
ASI - AirSpeed Indicator
ASK - Akademische Software Kooperation
ASL - American Sign Language
ASM - Assistant Stage Manager
ASN - asparagine
ASO - Air Staff Officer
ASP - aspartic acid
ASQ - American Society for Quality
ASR - Access Service Request
ASS - Advanced Sensor System
AST - Atlantic Standard Time
ASU - Arab Socialist Union
ASV - American Standard Version
ASW - AntiSubmarine Work
ASX - Advanced Systems eXcellence
ATA - Air Transport Auxillary
ATB - Advanced Technology Bomber
ATC - Air Traffic Control
ATD - Art Teacher's Diploma
ATE - Associativity Test Equation
ATF - Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
ATG - Asterix The Gaul
ATH - Abbreviated Trouble History
ATI - Associate of the Textile Institute
ATJ - Appendices To Journals
ATK - Andrew ToolKit
ATL - Atlantic
ATM - At The Moment.
ATM - Automatic Teller Machine.
ATN - arc tangent
ATO - Australian Taxation Office
ATP - At room Temperature and Pressure
ATQ - AppleTalk Transition Queue
ATR - Acceptance Test Report
ATS - Auxillary Territorial Service (women in Britain 1938-48)
ATT - AntiTetanus Toxoid
ATU - Antenna Tuning Unit
ATV - All-Terrian Vehicle
ATW - ATomic Weight
ATX - Advanced Technology Extended [Format]
AUA - Agricultural Unit of Account
AUB - Are yoU Bored?
AUC - ab urbe condita, or anno urbis conditae (Latin: in the year, indicates number of years since founding of Rome)
AUE - Andrew User Environment
AUF - AUthentication Function
AUG - August
AUI - Access Unit Interface
AUM - Air-to-Underwater Missile
AUN - Acorn Universal Networking
AUP - Acceptable Use Policy
AUS - Australia(n)
AUT - Association of University Teachers
AUU - ATM User-to-User
AUV - Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
AUX - auxillary verb
AVA - AudioVisual Aids
AVC - Additional Voluntary Contributions
AVD - American Vetinary Department
AVE - Avenue
AVG - Average
AVH - Air Vehicle Handler
AVI - Audio Visual Interleaved
AVJ - Australian Veterinary Journal
AVK - Audio Video Kernel
AVL - AudioVisual Language
AVM - Automatic Vending Machine
AVN - aviation
AVO - Available Vehicle Occupancy
AVP - AudioVisual Processor
AVR - Army Volunteer Reserve
AVS - Advanced Visual Systems
AVT - All Volatile Treatment
AWA - Amalgamated Wireless (Australasia) Ltd.
AWB - Afrikaner Weerstandbeweging (right-wing political party in South Africa)
AWC - Australian Wool Corporation
AWD - Atomic Weapons Decommissioning
AWE - Atomic Weapons Establishment
AWF - Aging Waste Facility
AWG - American Wire Gauge
AWI - Air Water Interface
AWJ - Abrasive Water Jet
AWK - Amo, Weinberger, Kernighan (programming language)
AWL - Absent With Leave
AWM - Advanced Warehouse Management
AWN - Automated Weather Network
AWO - Association of Water Officers
AWP - Alberta Wheat Pool
AWQ - Ambient Water Quality
AWS - Air Warfare Course
AWT - Abstract Window Toolkit (java)
AWU - Australian Worker's Union
AWY - Airway - Always With You - Away with You - Agree With You -
AWYS - Always Wear Your Seatbelt.
AXA - insurance company - Auxiliary Artery
AXC - Additional eXtended Coverage - Architecture X Construction
AXD - Auxilliary Drum - Aftermath Xtreme Duty
AXE - Antique eXercise Equipment - Advanced Crypto Engine - Applications Execution Environment - Advanced Xml Editor.
AXF - Advanced X-Ray Facility
AXI - axiom - Ada X Interface
AXL - Advanced eXtended markup Language
AXP - Allied eXercise Publication
AXS - access
AYA - And Yet Again
AYB - All Your Base
AYC - Are You Crazy?
AYF - Are You Finished
AYK - Are You Kidding?
AYO - Australian Youth Orchestra
AYW - All Your Work
AZB - Angular Z-Buffer (ray-tracing algorithm)
AZE - Azerbaijan (031) ISO 3-letter country code
AZG - Academisch Ziekenhuis Groningen
AZT - Azidothymidine
AZU - azumith
Home Abrev. Advice. Camera. Character. Children. Computing. Electronics. Fitness/Martial Arts. Garden. Health. Idioms. Jokes. Kitchen/Cooking.
Measure. Mechanics/Machines. Motivation. Movies. Music. People. Poetry. Proverbs. Reviews. School Education. Skills. Stories.
Tips. Tools. Words/Accronyms. Woodwork.