James M Sandbrook
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Home Abrev. Advice. Camera. Character. Children. Computing. Electronics.  Fitness/Martial Arts. Garden. Health.  Idioms. Jokes.

Kitchen/Cooking. Measure. Mechanics/Machines. Motivation. Movies. Music. People. Poetry. Proverbs. Reviews.

School Education. Skills. Stories. Tips. Tools. Words/Accronyms. Woodwork.



BAA - BAA Training (Aviation) - British Astronomical Association - Band Alumni Association - Board of Academic Advisors.

BAB - Bring A Bottle

BAC - baccalaureat (French school examination)

BAD - Big Audio Dynamite

BAE - British AErospace

BAF - British Air Force

BAF - Bunker adjustment factor.

BAG - Baggage

BAH - airport code: Bahrain, Bahrain

BAH - Basic Allowance for Housing.

BAI - Backup Aerospace-vehicle Inventory

BAJ - Bachelor of Arts in Journalism

BAK - Back At Keyboard

BAK - .A filename extension commonly used to signify a backup copy of a file, .bak.

BAL - Balance

BAM - Bachelor of Applied Mathematics - Body And Mind - By All Means - Bachelor of Arts in Management.

BAN - Battlefield Account Number

BAN - A ban is a formal or informal prohibition of something. (Law)

BAO - Bachelor of Arts in Obstetrics

BAP - Biodiversity Action Plan - Best Aquaculture Practices -  Beta Alpha Psi - BAPtized .

BAQ - Bachelor Airmen's Quarters

BAR - barometer

BAS - Basic Activity Subset

BAT - Ballistic Aerial Target

BAU - Business As Usual

BAV - Bavaria

BAW - Bulk Acoustic Wave

BAX - airport code: Barnaul, Ussr

BAY - airport code: Baia Mare, Romania

BAZ - Best Atom Zeta (basis set)

BBA - Bachelor of Business Administration

BBB - Better Business Bureau -  Triple Black Pencil - Big, the Bad and the Beautiful - Bored Beyond Belief - Blah Blah Blah - Busy Being Better.

BBC - British Broadcasting Corporation - Big Bad Challenge - Better Be Going.

BBD - Billboard

BBE - Background Block Error

BBF - Bond-Bending Force

BBG - Battleship Battle Group

BBH - Bouncing Busy Hour

BBI - airport code: Bhubaneswar, India

BBJ - Ball-Bearing Joint

BBK - Brauner-Briggs-Klar (Wave Function)

BBL - barrels (esp. of oil)

BBM - Blocking and Bracing Materials

BBN - Bolt, Beranak, and Newman

BBO - Bonding Bond Orbital

BBP - Break Bulk Point

BBQ - BarBeQue

BBR - Black Body Radiation

BBS - Bulletin Board System

BBT - Big Bang Theory

BBU - Battery Back-Up

BBV - Banco Bilbao Vizcaya

BBW - Big Beautiful Woman

BBX - airport code: Blue Bell, Pennsylvania, Usa

BBY - airport code: Bambari, Cen. African Republic

BBZ - airport code: Zambezi, Zambia

BCA - Bachelor of Commerce and Administration

BCB - Broadcast Band

BCC - Blind Carbon Copy

BCD - Binary Coded Decimal

BCE - Before Common Era

BCF - British Cycling Federation

BCG - Bacillus Calmette-Guerin

BCH - Bachelor of Surgery (Latin: baccalaureus chirurgiae)

BCI - Belleville Collegiate Institute

BCJ - airport code: Baca Grande, Colorado, Usa

BCK - backward(s)

BCL - Binary Coded Language

BCM - British Commercial Monomark

BCN - British Commonwealth of Nations

BCO - Base Central Office

BCP - Book of Common Prayer

BCQ - Boat Crew Qualification

BCR - Bar Code Reader

BCS - British Computer Society

BCT - Basic Combat Training

BCU - Bayshore Credit Union

BCV - Battle Command Vehicle

BCW - Binary Chemical Weapon

BCX - airport code: Beloreck, Ussr

BCY - airport code: Bulchi, Ethiopia

BCZ - airport code: Bickerton Island, Nt, Australi

BDA - British Diabetic Association

BDB - Base Development Board

BDC - Backup Domain Controller

BDD - Base Development Doctrine

BDE - BrigaDE

BDF - Base Defense Force

BDG - Batten's Disease Gene

BDH - British Drug House

BDI - Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie (federal association of German industry)

BDJ - airport code: Banjarmasin, Indonesia

BDK - (Java) Beans Development Kit

BDL - bundle

BDM - Block Data Message

BDN - Bell Data Network

BDO - Bell Data Network

BDP - Base Development Plan

BDQ - airport code: Vadodara, India

BDR - BombaDieR

BDS - Bachelor of Dental Surgery

BDT - Berkeley Design Technology

BDU - Battery Display Unit

BDV - BreakDown Voltage

BDW - airport code: Bedford Downs, Wa, Australia

BDX - airport code: Broadus, Montana, Usa

BDY - airport code: Bandon, Oregon, Usa

BDZ - Base Defense Zone

BEA - British Epilepsy Association

BEB - Best Ever Bottled

BEC - Basic Emergency Care

BED - Bachelor of Education

BEE - Ballistic Electron Emission

BEF - British Expeditionary Force

BEG - Budget Estimate Guidance

BEH - airport code: Benton Harbor, Michigan, Usa

BEI - Banque europeenne d'investissement (French: european investment bank)

BEJ - Best Engineering Judgement

BEK - airport code: Rae Bareli, India

BEL - Belgium

BEM - Bug Eyed Monster

BEN - airport code: Benghazi, Libyan A Jamahiriya

BEO - Building Emergency Organization

BEP - Break-Even Point

BEQ - Bachelor Enlisted Quarters

BER - Bit Error Rate

BES - Bridge Erection Set

BET - Bio-Engineering Team

BEU - airport code: Bedourie, Qld, Australia

BEV - Billion ElectronVolts

BEW - Biological Equivalent Weight

BEX - Business EXpress

BEY - airport code: Beirut, Lebanon

BEZ - airport code: Beru, Rep. Of Kiribati

BFA - Blank Firing Attachment

BFB - Balanced Failure Biasing

BFC - Belleville Flying Club

BFD - Big Freakin' Deal

BFE - Bum F***ed Egypt (meaning way out in the middle of nowhere, usually in reference to where someone lives)

BFF - Best Friends Forever

BFG - Big Friendly Giant

BFH - Big Freaking Hammer

BFI - British Film Institute

BFJ - airport code: Ba, Fiji

BFK - Big Friendly Kiss

BFL - airport code: Bakersfield, California, Usa

BFM - Big F***-off Manual

BFN - Bye For Now

BFO - Beat-Frequency Oscillator

BFP - BattleField Period

BFQ - Bid for Quotation

BFR - Belgian FRanc

BFS - Budget and Forecasting System

BFT - Basic Flying Training

BFU - Burst-Forming Unit

BFV - Bradley Fighting Vehicle

BFW - Broadband Fixed Wireless

BFX - airport code: Bafoussam, Republic Of Cameroo

BFY - Budget Fiscal Year

BFZ - Big Fat Zero

BGA - Ball Grid Array

BGB - airport code: Booue, Gabon

BGC - Bio-Geochemical Cycling

BGD - Bloody Good Discos

BGE - airport code: Bainbridge, Georgia, Usa

BGF - airport code: Bangui, Cen. African Republic

BGG - airport code: Bongouanou, Cote D'Ivoire

BGH - Belleville General Hospital

BGI - airport code: Barbados, Barbados

BGJ - airport code: Borgarfjordur Eystri, Iceland

BGK - airport code: Big Creek, Belize

BGL - airport code: Baglung, Nepal

BGM - Basic Guided Missile

BGN - BackGround Noise

BGO - Bismuth Germanium Oxide

BGP - Border Gateway Protocol

BGQ - airport code: Big Lake, Alaska, Usa

BGR - airport code: Bangor, Maine, Usa

BGS - Brigadier General Staff

BGT - Broadcast and Group Translators

BGU - Basic Generation Unit

BGV - airport code: Bento Goncalves, Rs, Brazil

BGW - Bridgehead GateWay

BGX - airport code: Bage, Rs, Brazil

BGY - airport code: Milan, Italy-Orio Serio

BGZ - airport code: Braga, Portugal

BHA - Brine Handling Area

BHB - airport code: Bar Harbor, Maine, Usa

BHC - Benzene Hexochloride

BHD - Beachhead

BHE - airport code: Blenheim, New Zealand

BHF - British Heart Foundation

BHG - airport code: Brus Laguna, Honduras

BHH - airport code: Bisha, Saudi Arabia

BHI - Bullet Hit Indicator

BHJ - airport code: Bhuj, India

BHK - airport code: Bukhara, Ussr

BHL - Bilateral Hearing Loss

BHM - airport code: Birmingham, Alabama, Usa

BHN - Brinell Hardness Number

BHO - airport code: Bhopal, India

BHP - Brake HorsePower

BHQ - airport code: Broken Hill, Nsw, Australia

BHR - airport code: Bharatpur, Nepal

BHS - British Home Stores

BHT - Brinell Hardness Test

BHU - airport code: Bhavnagar, India

BHV - airport code: Bahawalpur, Pakistan

BHW - Base Hazardous Waste

BHX - airport code: Birmingham, England Uk

BHY - airport code: Beihai, P. R. China

BHZ - airport code: Belo Horizonte, Mg, Br-Confins

BIA - Bureau of Indian Affairs

BIB - bible

BIC - Bearer Identification Code

BID - bis in die (Latin, twice a day, prescription dosage)

BIE - Bachelor of Industrial Engineering

BIF - British Industries Fair

BIG - Bionet Intelligent Gateway

BIH - Bureau international de l'heure (French

BII - Basic Issue Item

BIJ - airport code: Biliau, Papua New Guinea

BIK - airport code: Biak, Indonesia

BIL - Basic Insulation Level

BIM - British Institute of Management

BIN - Binary

BIO - Bedford Institute of Oceanography

BIP - Block Improvement Program

BIQ - airport code: Biarritz, France

BIR - British Institute of Radiology

BIS - Bank for International Settlements

BIT - Binary digIT

BIU - Baseband Interface Unit

BIV - Bovine Immunodeficiency Virus

BIW - Bath Iron Works

BIX - Binary Information eXchange

BIY - airport code: Bisho, South Africa

BIZ - airport code: Bimin, Papua New Guinea

BJA - airport code: Bejaia, Algeria

BJB - Bond, James Bond

BJC - airport code: Broomfield, Colorado, Usa

BJD - airport code: Bakkafjordur, Iceland

BJE - Bad Joke Ending

BJF - airport code: Batsfjord, Norway

BJG - Big, Juicy, Gorgeous

BJH - airport code: Bajhang, Nepal

BJI - Bob Jones University

BJJ - airport code: Wooster, Ohio, Usa

BJK - airport code: Benjina, Indonesia

BJL - airport code: Banjul, Gambia

BJM - airport code: Bujumbura, Burundi

BJN - airport code: Bajone, Mozambique

BJO - airport code: Bermejo, Bolivia

BJP - Bharatiya Janata Party (Indian political party)

BJQ - Big, Juicy and Quick

BJR - airport code: Bahar Dar, Ethiopia

BJS - Bureau of Justice Statistics

BJT - Bi-polar Junction Transistor

BJU - Beach Jumper Unit

BJW - airport code: Bajawa, Indonesia

BJX - airport code: Leon-Guanajuato, Mexico

BJY - Beograd Batajnica (Yugoslavia-Serbia) (location identifier)

BJZ - airport code: Badajoz, Spain

BKA - Below the Knee Amputation

BKB - airport code: Bikaner, India

BKC - airport code: Buckland, Alaska, Usa

BKD - Backscatter Kikuchi Diffraction

BKE - airport code: Baker, Oregon, Usa

BKF - airport code: Brooks Lake, Alaska, Usa

BKG - banking

BKH - airport code: Kekaha, Kauai

BKI - airport code: Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

BKJ - airport code: Boke, Guinea

BKK - airport code: Bangkok, Thailand

BKL - airport code: Cleveland, Ohio, Usa-Burke

BKM - airport code: Bakalalan, Sarawak, Malaysia

BKN - Broken

BKO - airport code: Bamako, Mali

BKP - airport code: Barkly Downs, Qld, Australia

BKQ - airport code: Blackall, Qld, Australia

BKR - Breaker

BKS - barracks

BKT - Bucket

BKU - airport code: Betioky, Dem. Rep. Madagascar

BKW - airport code: Beckley, West Virginia, Usa

BKX - airport code: Brookings, South Dakota, Usa

BKY - airport code: Bukavu, Zaire

BKZ - airport code: Bukoba, Tanzania

BLA - Bachelor of Landscape Architecture

BLB - airport code: Balboa, Panama Republic

BLC - Battery Level Computer

BLD - BassLine Design

BLE - Bridged LAN Emulation

BLF - Busy Line Field

BLG - British Light Gun (M119)

BLH - airport code: Blythe, California, Usa

BLI - airport code: Bellingham, Washington, Usa

BLJ - airport code: Batna, Algeria

BLK - black

BLL - Bachelor of Laws

BLM - Bureau of Land Management

BLN - Balloon

BLO - Base Level Operations

BLP - Bragg Light Profile

BLQ - airport code: Bologna, Italy

BLR - Balanced Likelihood Ratio

BLS - Bachelor of Library Science

BLT - Bacon Lettuce & Tomato

BLU - Basic Link Unit

BLV - Busy Line Verification

BLW - airport code: Waimanalo, Oahu

BLX - airport code: Belluno, Italy

BLY - airport code: Belmullet, Republic Of Ireland

BLZ - airport code: Blantyre, Malawi

BMA - British Medical Association

BMB - B***** Me Backwards

BMC - British Medical Council

BMD - Ballistic Missile Defence

BME - Bachelor of Medical Engineering

BMF - airport code: Bakouma, Cen. African Republic

BMG - Baader-Meinhof Gang

BMH - British Military Hospital

BMI - Battelle Memorial Institute

BMJ - British Medical Journal

BMK - airport code: Borkum, Fed. Rep. Of Germany

BML - Bulk Material Length

BMM - British Military Mission

BMN - airport code: Bamerny, Iraq

BMO - Battle Management Organization

BMP - BitMaP format

BMQ - airport code: Bamburi, Kenya

BMR - Basal Metabolic Rate

BMS - Bachelor of Marine Science

BMT - Basic Motion Time-study

BMU - airport code: Bima, Indonesia

BMV - Bovine Maedi-like Virus

BMW - Bayerische Motorenwerke (German: Bavarian Motor Works)

BMX - Bicycle Moto-cross(X)

BMY - airport code: Belep, New Caledonia

BMZ - airport code: Bamu, Papua New Guinea

BNA - Base-Neutral-Acid

BNB - Bed aNd Breakfast

BNC - a type of video

BND - Bound

BNE - airport code: Brisbane, Qld, Australia

BNF - British Nuclear Fuels

BNG - airport code: Banning, California, Usa

BNH - Hartford Barnes (USA-CT) (location identifier)

BNI - Bechtel National, Incorporated

BNJ - airport code: Bonn, Fed. Rep. Of Germany

BNK - airport code: Ballina, Nsw, Australia

BNL - Brookhaven National Laboratory

BNM - airport code: Bodinumu, Papua New Guinea

BNN - airport code: Bronnoysund, Norway

BNO - airport code: Burns, Oregon, Usa

BNP - British National Party

BNQ - airport code: Baganga, Philippines

BNR - Bengal Nagpur Railway

BNS - Buyer No Seller

BNT - Baker-Nunn Telescope

BNU - Basic Networking Utilities

BNV - airport code: Boana, Papua New Guinea

BNW - Battlefield Nuclear Warfare

BNX - airport code: Banja Luka, Yugoslavia

BNY - airport code: Bellona Island, Solomon Island

BNZ - airport code: Banz, Papua New Guinea

BOA - British Olympic Association

BOB - (Taco Bueno's) Big Ole Burrito

BOC - British Oxygen Company

BOD - Biochemical Oxygen Demand

BOE - Bank Of England

BOF - Boring Old Fart

BOG - airport code: Bogota, Colombia

BOH - Back Of House

BOI - Basis Of Issue

BOJ - airport code: Bourgas, Bulgaria

BOK - airport code: Brookings, Oregon, Usa

BOL - Bolivia

BOM - Bill Of Materials

BON - airport code: Bonaire, Neth. Antilles

BOO - Bond Order Orbital

BOP - Boy's Own Paper

BOQ - Bachelor Officer Quarters

BOR - borough

BOS - Bank of Scotland

BOT - Back On Topic

BOU - airport code: Bourges, France

BOV - Board Of Visitors

BOW - Birds Of War

BOX - airport code: Borroloola, Nt, Australia

BOY - airport code: Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso

BOZ - airport code: Bozoum, Cen. African Republic

BPA - Bachelor of Professional Arts

BPB - BIOS Parameter Block

BPC - British Pharmaceutical Codex

BPD - Bronco Pulmonary Dysplasia

BPE - Bachelor of Physical Education

BPF - Bon Pour Francs (French: value in francs)

BPG - Broadcasting Press Guild

BPH - Bachelor of Public Health

BPI - Bits Per Inch

BPJ - Best Professional Judgment

BPK - Berkhut ZK (ICAO designator)

BPL - Boston Public Library

BPM - Beats Per Minute

BPN - Back-Propagation Network

BPO - Broker Price Opinion

BPP - Bits Per Pixel

BPQ - Buying Power Quota

BPR - Back-Pressure Regulator

BPS - Bits Per Second

BPT - Boiling Point

BPU - Base Production Unit

BPV - Battlefield Planning and Visualization

BPW - Belleville Public Works

BPX - Boundary Point of Exit

BPY - bipyridine

BPZ - Below-the-Primary Zone

BQA - Beta-test Questions and Answers

BQB - Bluetooth Qualification Body

BQC - Business Quality Control

BQD - Big Question Dialogue

BQE - airport code: Bubaque, Guinea Bissau

BQF - British Quality Foundation

BQH - Biggin Hill (UK) (location identifier)

BQK - airport code: Brunswick, Georgia, Us-Glynco

BQL - airport code: Boulia, Qld, Australia

BQM - Base Quartermaster

BQN - airport code: Aguadilla, Puerto Rico

BQO - airport code: Bouna, Cote D'Ivoire

BQP - Bounded-probability Quantum Polynomial (complexity theory, quantum computing)

BQQ - airport code: Barra, Ba, Brazil

BQR - Beta-test Questions and Responses

BQS - Berkeley Quality Software

BQT - airport code: Brest, Ussr

BQU - Port Elizabeth (Saint Vincent & Grenadines) (location identifier)

BQV - airport code: Bartlett Cove, Alaska, Usa

BQW - airport code: Balgo Hills, Wa, Australia

BRA - Brigadier Royal Artillery

BRB - Be Right Back

BRC - Blind Rehabilitation Center

BRD - Bomb Release Distance

BRE - Bachelor of Religious Education

BRF - Below Rig Floor (Drilling Industry)

BRG - Bridge

BRH - airport code: Brahman, Papua New Guinea

BRI - Basic Rate Interface

BRJ - airport code: Bright, Vic, Australia

BRK - Break

BRL - Bomb Release Line

BRM - British Racing Motors

BRN - international vehicle registration for Bahrain

BRO - brother

BRP - Breeder Reactor Program

BRQ - Bandwidth ReQuest

BRR - Bit Rate Reduction

BRS - British Road Services

BRT - Be Right There

BRU - Battery Regulation Unit

BRV - Bubble Release Vacuum

BRW - airport code: Barrow, Alaska, Usa

BRX - airport code: Barahona, Dominican Rep.

BRY - airport code: Bardstown, Kentucky, Usa

BRZ - airport code: Borotou, Cote D'Ivoire

BSA - Boy Scouts of America

BSB - airport code: Brasilia, Df, Brazil

BSC - Bachelor of Science

BSD - Baseline System Description

BSE - Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy

BSF - Bachelor of Science in Forestry

BSG - Base Spares Group

BSH - British Society of Hypnotherapists

BSI - British Standards Institution

BSJ - Bachelor of Science in Journalism

BSK - airport code: Biskra, Algeria

BSL - British Sign Language

BSM - British School of Motoring

BSN - Bachelor of Science in Nursing

BSO - Boston Symphony Orchestra

BSP - Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy

BSQ - Boson Second Quantization

BSR - Beyond Sensor Range

BSS - Bachelor of Secretarial Science

BST - British Summer Time

BSU - Bench Scale Unit

BSV - airport code: Bosset, Papua New Guinea

BSW - British Standard Whitworth (type of screw thread)

BSX - airport code: Bassein, Myanmar

BSY - airport code: Bardera, Somalia

BSZ - airport code: Bartletts, Alaska, Usa

BTA - British Theatre Association

BTB - BreakThrough Bleeding

BTC - British Transport Commission

BTD - Bureau of Telecommunications Development (of the ITU)

BTE - Bachelor of Textile Engineering

BTF - Bold TypeFace

BTG - Bridging The Gap

BTH - bath

BTI - Balanced Technology Initiative

BTJ - airport code: Banda Aceh, Indonesia

BTK - airport code: Bratsk, Ussr

BTL - Better Than Life

BTM - bottom

BTN - Brussels Tariff Nomenclature

BTO - Bachman-Turner Overdrive

BTP - Bachelor of Town Planning

BTQ - airport code: Butare, Rwanda

BTR - Bit Transfer Rate

BTS - Broadcast Technology Society (IEEE)

BTT - Battle Technology Team

BTU - British Thermal Unit

BTV - BreakThrough Volume

BTW - by the way

BTX - British Telecom eXchange

BTY - battery

BTZ - Below the Treatment Zone

BUA - Built-Up Area

BUB - airport code: Burwell, Nebraska, Usa

BUC - Bus Unit Controller

BUD - Budget

BUE - airport code: Buenos Aires, Ba, Arge-Pistari

BUF - airport code: Buffalo, New York, Usa

BUG - airport code: Benguela, Angola

BUH - airport code: Bucharest, Romania-Otopeni

BUI - Bus Unit Interface

BUJ - airport code: Boussaada, Algeria

BUK - airport code: Albuq, Yemen, Republic Of

BUL - bulletin

BUM - airport code: Butler, Missouri, Usa

BUN - Blood Urea Nitrogen

BUO - airport code: Burao, Somalia

BUP - airport code: Bhatinda, India

BUQ - airport code: Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

BUR - buried

BUS - Business

BUT - Basic Unit Training

BUU - Basic User Unit

BUV - airport code: Bella Union, Uruguay

BUW - airport code: Buton

BUX - airport code: Bunia, Zaire

BUY - airport code: Bunbury, Wa, Australia

BUZ - airport code: Bushehr, Iran, Islamic Rep. Of

BVA - British Vetinary Association

BVB - airport code: Boa Vista, Rr, Brazil

BVC - Billing Validation Center

BVD - airport code: Beaver Inlet, Alaska, Usa

BVE - airport code: Brive-La-Gaillarde, France

BVF - airport code: Bua, Fiji

BVG - Battlefield Visualization Graphics

BVH - airport code: Vilhena, Ro, Brazil

BVI - airport code: Birdsville, Qld, Australia

BVK - Bundesverdienstkreuz

BVL - Bolsa de Valores de Lisboa

BVM - Blessed Virgin Mary

BVN - Bureau Voucher Number

BVO - airport code: Bartlesville, Oklahoma, Usa

BVP - airport code: Bolovip, Papua New Guinea

BVR - Beyond Visual Range

BVS - Bureau of Vital Statistics

BVT - Battlefield Video Teleconferencing

BVU - Buena Vista University

BVV - Bovine Veins Virus

BVW - airport code: Batavia Downs, Qld, Australia

BVX - airport code: Batesville, Arkansas, Usa

BVY - airport code: Beverly, Massachusetts, Usa

BVZ - airport code: Beverley Springs, Wa, Australi

BWA - Baptist World Alliance

BWB - BandWidth Balancing

BWC - BandWidth Control

BWD - Biological Warfare Defense

BWE - airport code: Braunschweig, Fed. Rep. Of Ger

BWF - airport code: Barrow-In-Furness, England Uk

BWG - Birmingham Wire Gauge

BWH - airport code: Butterworth, Malaysia

BWI - British West Indies (historical)

BWJ - airport code: Bawan, Papua New Guinea

BWK - Belt Weather Kit

BWL - airport code: Blackwell, Oklahoma, Usa

BWM - British War Medal

BWN - airport code: B. Seri Begawan, Brunei Daruss

BWO - Backward-Wave Oscillator

BWP - Basic War Plan

BWQ - Buzz Word Quotient

BWR - Boiling Water (nuclear) Reactor

BWS - Boyfriend Wants Sex

BWT - BBroadcast Warning TWX

BWU - airport code: Bankstown, Nsw, Australia

BWV - Bach Werke-Verzeichnis (German: catalogue of Back's works)

BWW - Brit WorldWide

BWX - Big Wide eXpanse

BWY - airport code: Woodbridge, England Uk

BWZ - Beautiful White Zombie

BXA - airport code: Bogalusa, Louisiana, Usa

BXB - airport code: Babo, Indonesia

BXC - airport code: Boxborough, Massachusetts, Usa

BXD - airport code: Bade, Indonesia

BXE - Bombardment-induced X-ray Emission

BXF - Big eXplosion Factory

BXG - Big eXplosion Generator

BXH - airport code: Balhash, Ussr

BXI - airport code: Boundiali, Cote D'Ivoire

BXK - airport code: Buckeye, Arizona, Usa

BXL - airport code: Blue Lagoon, Fiji

BXM - airport code: Batom, Indonesia

BXN - airport code: Bodrum, Turkey

BXO - airport code: Bissau, Guinea Bissau

BXP - Border Check Point

BXR - Basic eXpandeR

BXS - airport code: Borrego Springs, California, U

BXT - airport code: Bontang, Indonesia

BXU - airport code: Butuan, Philippines

BXV - airport code: Breiddalsvik, Iceland

BXX - airport code: Borama, Somalia

BYA - airport code: Boundary, Alaska, Usa

BYB - airport code: Dibaa, Oman

BYC - airport code: Yacuiba, Bolivia

BYD - Beyond

BYE - Bring Your Enemies

BYF - Build Your Future

BYG - airport code: Buffalo, Wyoming, Usa

BYH - Bomb Your House

BYI - airport code: Burley, Idaho, Usa

BYK - airport code: Bouake, Cote D'Ivoire

BYL - airport code: Belle Yella, Liberia

BYM - Big Yoga Muffin (UK band)

BYN - airport code: Bayankhongor, Mongolia

BYO - Bring Your Own

BYP - Bypass

BYQ - airport code: Bunyu, Indonesia

BYR - Bring Your Reefers

BYS - British Youth Science

BYT - airport code: Bantry, Republic Of Ireland

BYU - Brigham Young University

BYV - Beautiful Young Virgin

BYW - airport code: Blakely Island, Washington, Us

BYX - airport code: Baniyala, Nt, Australia

BYY - Bring Your Young'uns

BYZ - byzantine

BZA - airport code: Bonanza, Nicaragua

BZB - Broken Zone Boundary

BZC - airport code: Buzios, Rj, Brazil

BZD - airport code: Balranald, Nsw, Australia

BZE - airport code: Belize City, Belize-Gldsn Intl

BZG - airport code: Bydgoszcz, Poland

BZH - French Britanny

BZI - airport code: Balikesir, Turkey

BZK - airport code: Briansk, Ussr

BZL - airport code: Barisal, Bangladesh

BZM - airport code: Bergen Op Zoom, Netherlands

BZN - airport code: Bozeman, Montana, Usa

BZO - airport code: Bolzano, Italy

BZP - airport code: Bizant, Qld, Australia

BZR - Bit Zone Recording

BZS - Basic Zirconium Sulphate

BZT - airport code: Brazoria, Texas, Usa

BZU - airport code: Buta, Zaire

BZV - airport code: Brazzaville, Peop. Rep. Of Con

BZW - Blizzard Warning

BZX - Basic Zone eXpansion

BZY - Busy

BZZ - airport code: Brize Norton, England Uk

Home Abrev. Advice. Camera. Character. Children. Computing. Electronics.  Fitness/Martial Arts. Garden. Health.  Idioms. Jokes. Kitchen/Cooking.

Measure. Mechanics/Machines. Motivation. Movies. Music. People. Poetry. Proverbs. Reviews. School Education. Skills. Stories.

Tips. Tools. Words/Accronyms. Woodwork.