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The Biggest Buzz - The Rewards for the Unpaid Teacher.
The biggest buzz is looking at your child's face as he or she tastes the first thing that they cooked and its a success, or the pride on their face as they finish painting a door or some furniture, or the day that your daughter cooks for the family for the first time.
Homeschooling was never about money, or personal pride, or what the neighbours will think, nay, its the opposite. We don’t care what the neighbours think, we don’t care about money or career, we care about the child’s learning from a very deep personal level and being there to see the failures and success, wiping away the tears and jumping for joy with yells of happiness and delight.
The joy of seeing your child's face as he or she see’s a beautiful butterfly for the first time, or the last strokes of the paintbrush on their first painting, the smell of their cooking and your grumbling tummy and you hope its going to taste alright.
Your rewards are the experiences with your child/children through all their Life Learning, side by side, within each others space making the learning a very personal experience and a bonding that will never come any other way.
Its all good, decent, comforting, strong, mature teaching, a parent child relationship that teaches faith, love, courage, confidence and the child looking at you with wide innocent eyes of hope, faith, thanks, confidence, knowing that as long as you are there then they are so grateful that they have a teacher who is paid with love and care.
As your child grows older he or she will note that other children get sent to school, but your parent/s stay home to ensure that your schooling is on a careful fun one-on-one bases. This makes the child feel that he or she is so worthy to you that you will sacrifice your time, and be with them daily, thats a big thing for a small child, a very important part of your relationship.
Getting up early, planning, getting workbooks and school gear together for the children, and planning in ways that they will be excited, interested and desiring to enjoy their day with you, its all so wonderful, fun and basically stress free.
When the child attempts something, fails, makes a mistake or 5, and tries again, and then finally gets it right you and the child hug as if this was a very special occasion and it is. You get to be there with each accomplishment, with each success, with each sadness, and with each overcoming the odds and making it happen. In many ways you are living your own childhood again, but this time as you really wished yours had been, with the coolest, cutest, fun loving, innocent people and they think the exact same of you.
Homeschooling is about sharing the child’s childhood side by side and both of you growing deep within each day, while bonding, laughing, joking, and doing things each and every day which to other people are boring, everyday and simple, but to you and your children who have taken a far deeper and meaningful look into this simple thing, it I truly amazing, like life itself.
I always felt that the greatest thing I ever did was Homeschooling.
Its worth it, for you and your children.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
15th of February, 2021.
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