James M Sandbrook
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CAA - Civil Aviation Authority

CAB - Citizen's Advice Bureau

CAC - Common Access Card

CAD - Computer Aided Design

CAE - College of Advanced Education

CAF - Cost And Freight (US)

CAG - Carrier Air Group

CAH - Cosine = Adjacent

CAI - Computer-Aided Instruction

CAJ - airport code: Canaima, Venezuela

CAK - airport code: Akron

CAL - Computer-Aided Learning

CAM - Computer-Assisted Manufacture

CAN - Canada

CAO - Central Applications Office

CAP - Common Agricultural Policy

CAQ - Computer Aided Quality

CAR - carat

CAS - Close Air Support

CAT - Computerized Axial Tomography

CAU - Command Arithmetic Unit

CAV - caveat

CAW - Canadian Auto Workers

CAX - Combined Arms eXercise

CAY - airport code: Cayenne, Fr. Guiana

CAZ - airport code: Cobar, Nsw, Australia

CBA - Cost Benefit Analysis

CBB - Contract Budget Baseline

CBC - Canadian Broadcasting Corp.

CBD - Cash Before Delivery

CBE - Commander of the British Empire

CBF - Corps Benevolent Fund ( Brit Army Regt in house charities)

CBG - Carrier Battle Group

CBH - Catalyst Bed Heater

CBI - Confederation of British Industry

CBJ - airport code: Cabo Rojo, Dominican Rep.

CBK - Common Body of Knowledge

CBL - Computer-Based Learning

CBM - Crash-prone Buggy Machines

CBN - Cubic Boron Nitride

CBO - Control Board Operator

CBP - Combustion By-Product

CBQ - Class-Based Queueing

CBR - Chemical, Bacteriological, and Radiation

CBS - Columbia Broadcasting System

CBT - Computer-Based Training

CBU - Completely Built-Up

CBV - Combat Breacher Vehicle

CBW - Chemical and Biological Warfare

CBX - Company Branch (telephone) eXchange

CBY - airport code: Canobie, Qld, Australia

CBZ - carbobenzyloxy

CCA - Communist Control Act

CCB - Civil Cooperation Bureau (south africa)

CCC - Civilian Conservation Corps

CCD - Charged-Coupled Device

CCE - Chartered Civil Engineer

CCF - Combined Cadet Force

CCG - Central Commission for Germany

CCH - Connections per Circuit Hour

CCI - Crevice Corrosion Index

CCJ - Circuit Court Judge

CCK - CholeCystoKinin

CCL - Code of Canon Law

CCM - Caffeine Clearance Measurement (medical)

CCN - Certification Control Number

CCO - Computer Center Operator

CCP - Compte Cheque Postal (postal order)

CCQ - airport code: Cachoeira, Ba, Brazil

CCR - Cassette Camera Recorder

CCS - Creative Curriculuum Software

CCT - Cumulative Cycle Time

CCU - Coronary Care Unit

CCV - Control-Configured Vehicle

CCW - counterclockwise

CCX - airport code: Caceres, Mt, Brazil

CCY - airport code: Charles City, Iowa, Usa

CCZ - airport code: Chub Cay, Bahamas

CDA - Compact Disc Album

CDB - Common Data Base

CDC - Centre for Disease Control (american)

CDD - Centre for Digestive Diseases

CDE - Compact Disc Erasable

CDF - Cumulative Distribution Function

CDG - Cask Designers Guide

CDH - Congenital Dislocation of the Hip

CDI - Compact Disc Interactive

CDJ - airport code: Conceicao Do Araguaia, Pa, Bra

CDK - Control Development Kit

CDL - Commercial Driver's Licence

CDM - Craft & Design: Metalwork

CDN - Canadian

CDO - Commando

CDP - Committee of Directors of Polytechnics

CDQ - airport code: Croydon, Qld, Australia

CDR - CommanDeR

CDS - Compact Disc Single

CDT - Craft & Design: Technology

CDU - Christlich-Demokratische Union (German political party, the Christian Democratic Union)

CDV - Compact Digital

CDW - Course Development Workshop

CDX - Central Data eXchange

CDY - airport code: Cagayan De Sulu, Philippines

CDZ - Compact Disc Zone

CEA - Central Electricity Authority

CEB - Cost Estimate Breakdown

CEC - Central Executive Committee

CED - Committee for Economic Development

CEE - Communaute Economique Europeenne (French

CEF - City Electrical Factors

CEG - Circuit card Expert Group

CEH - Cholesteryl Ester Hydrolase

CEI - Council of Engineering Institutions

CEJ - airport code: Chernigov, Ussr

CEK - airport code: Chelyabinsk, Ussr

CEL - celesta

CEM - Continuous Effluent Monitor

CEN - central

CEO - Chief Executive Officer

CEP - Compensatory Equipment Package

CEQ - Council on Environmental Quality

CER - Closer Economic Relations

CES - Christian Evidence Society

CET - Central European Time

CEU - Central Electronic Unit

CEV - Combat Engineer Vehicle

CEW - Continuing Education Workshop

CEX - Civil Effects eXperiments

CEY - Conversion Electron Yield

CEZ - airport code: Cortez, Colorado, Usa

CFA - Canadian Field Artillery

CFB - Clear Frequency Broadcast

CFC - ChloroFluoroCarbons (groovy planet killing gases)

CFD - Cubic Feet per Day

CFE - College of Further Education

CFF - Consistent Force Field

CFG - Configuration

CFH - Cubic Feet per Hour

CFI - Cost, Freight and Insurance

CFJ - Center for Foreign Journalists [Reston VA]

CFK - Colour Find Key

CFL - Canadian Football League

CFM - Cubic Feet per Minute

CFN - Confine

CFO - Central Forecasting Office (meteorology)

CFP - Common Fisheries Policy

CFQ - Cash For Questions

CFR - Capuchin Franciscans of the Renewal

CFS - Cubic Feet per Second

CFT - Complement Fixation Test

CFU - (Bacteria) Colony Forming Unit

CFV - Call For Votes

CFW - Chicago and Far Western railroad

CFX - Congregation of St. Francis Xavier (Xaverian Brothers)

CFY - Clarify

CFZ - Critical Friendly Zone

CGA - Computer Graphics Adapter

CGB - Circuit Group Blocking message

CGC - Coast Guard of Canada

CGD - Computer Game Developer

CGE - Cover Gas Equalization

CGF - Cover Gas Feed

CGG - Casiguran (Philippines) (location identifier)

CGH - Cape of Good Hope

CGI - Computer Generated Imagery

CGJ - airport code: Chingola, Zambia

CGK - airport code: Jakarta, Indonesia-Soekarno

CGL - Comprehensive General Liability (Insurance Policy)

CGM - Conspicuous Gallantry Medal

CGN - Guided Missile Cruiser, Nuclear powered

CGO - cargo

CGP - airport code: Chittagong, Bangladesh

CGQ - airport code: Changchun, P. R. China

CGR - Crop Growth Rate

CGS - Centimetre-Gram-Second

CGT - Capital Gains Tax

CGU - Circuit Group Unblocking message

CGV - airport code: Caiguna, Wa, Australia

CGW - Computer Graphics World

CGX - airport code: Chicago, Illinois, Usa-Meigs

CGY - Center of GravitY

CGZ - airport code: Casa Grande, Arizona, Usa

CHA - charisma

CHB - Chirurgiae Baccalaureus (latin

CHC - Child Health Clinic

CHD - Doctor of Surgery (Latn: Chirugiae Doctor)

CHE - CHemical Engineer

CHF - Congestive Heart Failure

CHG - charge

CHH - Cartilage-Hair Hypoplasia

CHI - Concentration Highway Interface

CHJ - airport code: Chipinge, Zimbabwe

CHK - Check

CHL - Confinement at Hard Labor

CHM - Chirurgiae Magister (latin

CHN - Community Health Nurse

CHO - Chinese Hamster Ovary

CHP - Combined Heat and Power

CHQ - cheque

CHR - Chronicles (bible)

CHS - chapters

CHT - Call Holding Time

CHU - airport code: Chuathbaluk, Alaska, Usa

CHV - Card Holder Value

CHW - airport code: Jiuquan, P. R. China

CHX - airport code: Changuinola, Panama Republic

CHY - airport code: Choiseul Bay, Solomon Islands

CHZ - airport code: Chiloquin, Oregon, Usa

CIA - Central Intelligence Agency

CIB - Central Intelligence Board

CIC - Codex Iuris Canonici (Code of Canon Law)

CID - Criminal Investigation Department

CIE - Companion of (the order of) the Indian Empire

CIF - Cost Insurance Freight

CIG - Computer Image Generator

CIH - Certificate in Industrial Health

CII - Chartered Insurance Institute

CIJ - airport code: Cobija, Bolivia

CIK - Crypto-Ignition Key

CIL - Computer Integration Laboratories

CIM - Customer-Interface Management

CIN - Chart Information Network

CIO - Congress of Industrial Organizations

CIP - Construction Installation Procedure

CIQ - airport code: Chiquimula, Guatemala

CIR - circa

CIS - Commonwealth of Independent States

CIT - citation

CIU - Club and Institute Union

CIV - civil

CIW - Close-In Weapon

CIX - Compulink Information eXchange

CIY - airport code: Comiso, Italy

CIZ - Controlled Injury Zone

CJA - Closet Jimmys Anonymous

CJB - airport code: Coimbatore, India

CJC - airport code: Calama, Chile

CJD - Creutzfeldt Jacob Disease

CJE - Council for Jewish Elderly

CJF - Coherent Joint Fires

CJG - Zhejiang Airlines (ICAO designator)

CJH - Chiko Lake (Canada-BC) (location identifier)

CJI - Computer Jobs in Israel

CJK - Chinese Japanese Korean (encoding standard for character set)

CJL - airport code: Chitral, Pakistan

CJM - Congregatio Jesu et Mariae (trans: the Congregation of Jesus and Mary

CJN - El Cajon (USA-CA) (location identifier)

CJO - Chemical Journals Online

CJP - Complete Joint Penetratation (welding)

CJR - Career Job Reservation

CJS - Canadian Joint Staff

CJT - Civilian Jeep Truck

CJU - airport code: Cheju, Republic Of Korea

CJW - Coplanar Joined Wing

CKA - Cherokee Kegelman (USA-OK) (location identifier)

CKB - airport code: Clarksburg, West Virginia, Usa

CKC - airport code: Cherkassy, Ussr

CKD - Completely Knocked Down (of goods for sale)

CKE - airport code: Clear Lake, California, Usa

CKF - Chronic Kidney Failure

CKG - Cooperative Key Generation

CKH - airport code: Chokurdah, Ussr

CKI - Cockpit Kill Indicator

CKK - Cyanogen Chloride

CKL - Compromised Key List

CKM - airport code: Clarksdale, Mississippi, Usa

CKN - airport code: Crookston, Minnesota, Usa

CKO - Chief Knowledge Officer

CKP - Crankshaft Position

CKR - Circuit Reference

CKS - airport code: Carajas, Pa, Brazil

CKT - circuit

CKU - Cordova (USA-AK) (location identifier)

CKV - airport code: Clarksville, Tennessee, Usa

CKW - clockwise

CKX - airport code: Chicken, Alaska, Usa

CKY - airport code: Conakry, Guinea

CKZ - airport code: Canakkale, Turkey

CLA - Country Landowner's Association

CLB - Common Logic Board

CLC - Clover Leaf Cars

CLD - called

CLE - Console Local Equipment

CLF - Civilian Labor Force

CLG - Guided-Missile Light Cruiser

CLH - CLearingHouse

CLI - Command Line Interrupt

CLJ - airport code: Cluj-Napoca, Romania

CLK - Clerk

CLL - ConnectionLess Layer

CLM - Car Location Message

CLN - Colon

CLO - clothing

CLP - Constituency Labour Party

CLQ - airport code: Colima, Mexico

CLR - Computer-Language Recorder

CLS - CLear Screen

CLT - Computer-Language Translator

CLU - Compatible Land Use

CLV - Constant Linear Velocity

CLW - Contaminated Liquid Waste

CLX - airport code: Clorinda, Fo, Argentina

CLY - airport code: Calvi, Corsica, France

CLZ - airport code: Calabozo, Venezuela

CMA - Canadian Medical Association

CMB - Central Midwives Board

CMC - Conservation Monitoring Centre

CMD - Command Pape (fourth series, 1918-56)

CME - Coronal Mass Ejection

CMF - Central Meditteranean Force

CMG - Companion of (the order of) St. Michael and St. George

CMH - Congressional Medal of Honor

CMI - Cell-Mediated Immunity

CMJ - airport code: Chi Mei, Taiwan

CMK - airport code: Club Makokola, Malawi

CML - commercial

CMM - Certified Medical Manager

CMN - Common

CMO - Collection Management Officer

CMP - Civilian Marksmanship Program

CMQ - airport code: Clermont, Qld, Australia

CMR - Cameroon

CMS - Conversational Monitor System

CMT - Country Music Television

CMU - Central Michigan University

CMV - CytoMegaloVirus

CMW - Compartmented Mode Workstation

CMX - Connected-Moments eXpansion

CMY - Civilian Man-Years

CMZ - Calcium Magnesium Zirconium

CNA - Certified Nursing Assistant

CNB - Caught aNd Bowled (cricket)

CNC - Computer Numerical Control

CND - Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

CNE - Canadian National Exhibition

CNF - Commonwealth Nurses' Federation

CNG - Compressed Natural Gas

CNH - airport code: Claremont, New Hampshire, Usa

CNI - Companion of the Nautical Institute

CNJ - airport code: Cloncurry, Qld, Australia

CNK - CryptoNet Key

CNL - Cancel

CNM - Customer Network Management

CNN - Cable News Network

CNO - Chief Nursing Officer

CNP - Corporate Network Product

CNQ - airport code: Corrientes, Cr, Argentina

CNR - Corner

CNS - Central Nervous System

CNT - continued

CNU - airport code: Chanute, Kansas, Usa

CNV - Crypto Net Variable

CNW - Country 'n' Western (music)

CNX - airport code: Chiang Mai, Thailand

CNY - airport code: Moab, Utah, Usa

CNZ - airport code: Cangamba, Angola

COA - Change Of Address

COB - Companion Of the Bath

COC - Combined Oral Contraceptive

COD - Cash On Delivery

COE - Church Of England

COF - Cradle Of Filth (british black metal band)

COG - cognate

COH - Cash On Hand

COI - Central Office of Information

COJ - airport code: Coonabarabran, Nsw, Australia

COK - airport code: Cochin, India

COL - Colonel

COM - Computer Output on Microfilm

CON - Convention

COO - Chief Operating Officer

COP - Coefficient Of Performance

COQ - Cost Of Quality

COR - Corinthians (new testament)

COS - Chief Of Staff

COT - cotangent

COU - Cable Orderwire Unit

COV - covariance

COW - Copy On Write

COX - airport code: Congo Town, Andros Is., Bahama

COY - Company

COZ - airport code: Constanza, Dominican Rep.

CPA - Critical Path Analysis

CPB - Communist Party of Britain

CPC - Clerk of the Privy Council

CPD - compound

CPE - Crew Procedure Engineer

CPF - Cancer Potency Factor

CPG - Critical Population Group

CPH - Cycles Per Hour

CPI - Committee for Public Information

CPK - California Pizza Kitchen

CPL - Corporal

CPM - Central prayer meeting

CPN - Compuserve Packet Network

CPO - Chief Petty Officer

CPP - Current Purchasing Power

CPQ - Combat Pistol Qualification

CPR - CardioPulmonary Resuscitation

CPS - Characters Per Second

CPT - Charge conjugation, Parity, and Time reversal (particle physics)

CPU - Central Processing Unit

CPV - Canine ParvoVirus

CPW - Charged Particle Weapon

CPX - Command Post Exercise

CPY - Cargo Preference Year

CPZ - Cargo and Passengers Air Services Ltd. (ICAO designator) (obsolete?)

CQA - Construction Quality Assurance

CQB - Court of Queens Bench

CQC - Critres-Qualit-Contrles

CQD - Come Quick, Distress

CQE - Cognizant Quality Engineer

CQF - airport code: Calais, France

CQG - Classical and Quantum Gravity

CQI - Continuous Quality Improvement

CQL - Contractual Quantitation Limit

CQM - Cost Quality Management

CQP - Capacitor Qualification Program

CQS - Costa Marques (Brazil-RO) (location identifier)

CQT - airport code: Caquetania, Colombia

CQZ - Constrained Quartet Zeta (Basis Set)

CRA - Campaign for Real Ale (aka CAMRA)

CRB - Cremer-Rao Bound

CRC - Cyclic Redundancy Check

CRD - Capstone Requirements Document

CRE - Commander of the Royal Engineers

CRF - Capital Recovery Factor

CRG - Communications Relay Group

CRH - airport code: Cherribah, Qld, Australia

CRI - Continuity Recheck Incoming

CRJ - airport code: Coorabie, Sa, Australia

CRK - Cable Repair Kit

CRL - Canonicus Regularis Lateranensis (trans: Canon Regular of the Lateran

CRM - Civil Rights Movement

CRN - Combat Radio Net

CRO - Cathode Ray Oscilloscope

CRP - Central Reserve Police

CRQ - Call ReQuest

CRR - Corby's Royal Reserve

CRS - Can't Remember Squat

CRT - Cathode Ray Tube

CRU - Computer Resource Utilization

CRV - Call Reference Value

CRW - Conceptual Recoilless Weapon

CRX - airport code: Corinth, Mississippi, Usa

CRY - airport code: Carlton Hill, Wa, Australia

CRZ - Close Reconnaissance Zone

CSA - Child Support Agency

CSB - Christian Science Bachelor

CSC - Civil Service Commission

CSD - Chartered Society of Designers

CSE - Certificate of Secondary Education

CSF - CerebroSpinal Fluid

CSG - Companion of the order ofthe Star of Ghana

CSH - Corps Support Hospital

CSI - Computer Service Index

CSJ - Case Study and Justification

CSK - airport code: Cap Skirring, Senegal

CSL - Chemical Sewer Line

CSM - Company Stage Manager

CSN - Control Symbol Number

CSO - Central Statistical Office

CSP - Chartered Society of Physiotherapists

CSQ - Cryptofacility Security Questionnaire

CSR - Combat-Stress Reaction

CSS - Certificate in Social Service

CST - Central Standard Time (north america)

CSU - Civil Service Union

CSV - Community Service Volunteer

CSW - Color-Segregated World

CSX - airport code: Changsha, P. R. China

CSY - airport code: Cheboksary, Ussr

CSZ - Clearly Seperated Zones

CTA - Chicago Transit Authority

CTB - Communication ToolBox

CTC - City Technology College

CTD - Cell Transfer Delay

CTE - Connected Terminal Equipment

CTF - Coal-Tar Fuels

CTG - Commander, Task Group

CTH - Cycle Test Hours

CTI - Computer Telephony Integration

CTJ - Cash To Jump

CTK - Composite Tool Kit

CTL - Constructive Total Loss

CTM - Computerized Tomographic Myelography

CTN - carton

CTO - Cancelled To Order

CTP - Critical Technical Parameter

CTQ - Critical To Quality

CTR - centre

CTS - Clear To Send

CTT - Capital Transfer Tax

CTU - Commander, Task Unit

CTV - Cable TeleVision

CTW - Children's Television Workshop

CTX - Combined Training Exercise

CTY - Console TeletYpe

CTZ - Control Traffic Zone

CUA - Commonly Used Acronym(s)

CUB - cubic

CUC - Computer Users Committee

CUD - Computer Underground Digest

CUE - Coastal Upwelling Experiment

CUF - Common University Fund

CUG - Closed Users Group

CUH - airport code: Cushing, Oklahoma, Usa

CUI - Common User Interface

CUJ - airport code: Culion, Philippines

CUK - Caye Caulker (Belize) (location identifier)

CUL - See yoU LateR

CUM - cumulative

CUN - airport code: Cancun, Mexico

CUO - airport code: Caruru, Colombia

CUP - Cambridge University Press

CUQ - airport code: Coen, Qld, Australia

CUR - currency

CUS - Customer

CUT - Coordinated Universal Time

CUU - airport code: Chihuahua, Mexico

CUV - Commercial Utility Vehicle

CUW - airport code: Cube Cove, Alaska, Usa

CUX - Corpus Christi - Cuddihy (USA-TX) (location identifier)

CUY - airport code: Cue, Wa, Australia

CUZ - airport code: Cusco, Peru

CVA - Cerebrovascular Accident

CVB - Canonical Valence Bond

CVC - Card Validation Check

CVD - Cash Versus Documents

CVE - Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures

CVF - Compressed Volume File

CVG - airport code: Cincinnati, Ohio, Usa-Great Ci

CVH - airport code: Caviahue, Ne, Argentina

CVI - Common Variable Immunodeficiency

CVJ - Constant Velocity Joint

CVK - Combat Vehicle Kill

CVL - airport code: Cape Vogel, Papua New Guinea

CVM - Certified Vendor Memorandum

CVN - airport code: Clovis, New Mexico, Usa

CVO - Commander of the royal Victorian Order

CVP - Circuit Virtuel Permanent

CVQ - airport code: Carnarvon, Wa, Australia

CVR - Combat Vehicle Recognition

CVS - Crime & Victim Support

CVT - Constant Variable Transmission (in vehicles)

CVU - Corel-draw and Ventura Users Club

CVV - Cryo Vacuum Vessel

CVW - Aircraft Carrier Air Wing

CVX - Critical Velocity Experiment

CVZ - Continuous Visibility Zone

CWA - Crime Writers' Association

CWB - Canadian Wheat Board

CWC - Clean Water Commission

CWD - Call Waiting Deluxe

CWE - Current Work Estimate

CWF - Coal-Water Fuel

CWG - airport code: Callaway Gardens, Georgia, Usa

CWH - Coming of the great White Handkerchief

CWI - airport code: Clinton, Iowa, Usa

CWJ - Continuous Wave Jammer

CWL - airport code: Cardiff, Wales Uk

CWM - Center for Waste Management

CWN - Cardiff Wales Flying Club (ICAO designator)

CWO - Cash With Order

CWP - Cost Work Program

CWQ - Center for Water Quality

CWR - Cooling Water Return

CWS - Cooperative Wholesale Society

CWT - Hundredweight

CWU - Composite Weighted (Work) Unit

CWW - Cruciform Wing Weapon

CWX - Crow Executive Air Inc. (ICAO designator)

CWY - Crashworthy

CXA - Cancel Arrival

CXB - airport code: Cox'S Bazar, Bangladesh

CXC - airport code: Chitina, Alaska, Usa

CXD - Cancel Approved Departure

CXE - Computer to External Environments Interface

CXF - airport code: Coldfoot, Alaska, Usa

CXG - Cross eXamination Game

CXH - airport code: Vancouver, Bc, Canada-Harbour

CXI - Common X-windows Interface

CXJ - airport code: Caxias Do Sul, Rs, Brazil

CXL - Cancel

CXN - airport code: Candala, Somalia

CXO - C-level eXecutive Officer

CXP - airport code: Cilacap, Indonesia

CXQ - airport code: Christmas Creek, Wa, Australia

CXR - Carrier

CXS - Charge Exchange Spectroscopy

CXT - airport code: Charters Towers, Qld, Australi

CXW - Cross eXamination Work

CXX - CLA Air Transport Inc. (ICAO designator)

CXY - airport code: Cat Cay, Bahamas

CYA - Cover Your Ass

CYB - airport code: Cayman Brac, West Indies

CYC - cyclopedia

CYD - Children and Youth Division

CYE - Calendar Year End

CYF - airport code: Chefornak, Alaska, Usa

CYG - airport code: Corryong, Vic, Australia

CYH - Consider Yourself Hugged

CYI - airport code: Chiayi, Taiwan

CYK - Consider Yourself Kissed

CYL - cylinder

CYM - Cymric

CYN - Canyon

CYO - Choose Your Own

CYP - airport code: Calbayog, Philippines

CYR - airport code: Colonia, Uruguay

CYS - cysteine

CYT - airport code: Cape Yakataga, Alaska, Usa

CYU - airport code: Cuyo, Philippines

CYW - Capture Your World

CYX - airport code: Cherskiy, Ussr

CYZ - airport code: Cauayan, Philippines

CZA - airport code: Chichen Itza, Mexico

CZB - airport code: Cruz Alta, Rs, Brazil

CZC - Canadian Zebra Corporation

CZE - Capillary Zone Electrophoresis

CZF - airport code: Cape Romanzof, Alaska, Usa

CZH - Czechoslovak(ian)

CZJ - airport code: Corazon De Jesus, Panama Repub

CZK - airport code: Cascade Locks, Oregon, Usa

CZL - airport code: Constantine, Algeria

CZM - Coastal Zone Management

CZN - airport code: Chisana, Alaska, Usa

CZO - airport code: Chistochina, Alaska, Usa

CZP - airport code: Cape Pole, Alaska, Usa

CZR - Columnar Zone Radius

CZS - airport code: Cruzeiro Do Sul, Ac, Brazil

CZT - airport code: Carrizo Springs, Texas, Usa

CZU - airport code: Corozal, Colombia

CZW - airport code: Czestochowa, Poland

CZX - airport code: Changzhou, P. R. China

CZY - airport code: Cluny, Qld, Australia

CZZ - Campo (USA-CA) (location identifier)