Copyright © All rights reserved. Made by James Martin Sandbrook.
Abrev. Advice. Camera. Character. Children. Computing. Crosswords. Driving. Electronics. Fitness/Self Defence. Garden.
Health. Homeschooling. Housework. Idioms. Jokes. Kitchen/Cooking. Measure. Mechanics/Machines. Motivation. Movies. Music.
NZ. OOS/RSI. People. Personal Care. Poetry. Proverbs. Religion. Reviews. School Education. Skills/Hobbies. Slang. Stories.
A Creed is a set of beliefs that guides a person, family, race, governments or towns actions.
If the agreed creed is used as a guide for the citizens of a country or town or even just a family, the people within all have that creed written on their hearts and it is based on the good of all.
Without a decent moral set of rules a leader can make the people do anything and accept anything, especially if the leader is profiting from the weaknesses of the people.
With a set of beliefs that are fair for all the leader cannot get away with unfair treatment of the people in favour of their own causes or in favour of money, business, and so on.
The people, with their strong faith in their beliefs/creed would simply vote out the leader or overthrow the leader and bring back orderly behaviour.
The Creed would be the base and foundation of the society, and because all the people, without force, all believed in the values of the Creed then their would be little crime, and the children would be brought up believing in the Creed and follow it responsibly.
For example if someone wanted to start gambling in a town and the creed was against it then the local political leaders would seek to help the people who gambled to get off their addictions and refuse gambling in the town knowing the immoral damage it does to people’s lives and the negative character that gambling creates, accompanied by crime and immoral behaviour in the people.
The leaders would live deep in their hearts “for the greater good of all” and not just for their own career, titles, perks of the job, because the beloved creed would be the guide to help them with their conscious decisions for the townspeople. They would be genuinely concerned for the welfare of all the people under their leadership as the people who originally wrote the creed
There are many creeds, many religious creeds, and many other written creeds.
The creed is like a solid foundation of the faith of the people. If anything comes along to challenge the faith in the support of something that is not good for all, then that challenge is simply unanimously rejected.
If there was a teachers Creed, and there are some, it would be all about teaching, favouring all, creating a well balanced environment for all students, rich and poor, equality regardless of race, gender or religion, a place where all get an equal chance of learning, growing in confidence, wisdom and courage.
Its a Teachers Foundation, and when something comes along that tempts the teacher to favour a child, take for herself, accept a bribe, she would look back on that creed within her heart and outrightly refuse the temptation knowing that it will not only make her feel ashamed about herself, but also about her work, she would feel not worthy enough to teach.
Below is a couple of examples of Teachers Creeds .
The Creed was supposed to keep people honest and worthy of their calling.
Written Creeds were known to be chanted amongst the faithful, and were held up as strong foundations of their cause/faith/beliefs, so much so that they lasted for a long time with the townsfolk/church/country, standing firm with them.
They were nailed on doors, pinned on walls, copied and memorized, and then followed carefully.
The laws of the area were based on the Creed.
Imagine a Creed were it was fair for
all, and children were carefully looked after, men and women equal, all human races
equal, and the crippled and poor having as much to say as others did.
Now look at your society and imagine what your home town would be like with these filters to pass law through first.
Here is a Knights example below.
Abrev. Advice. Camera. Character. Children. Computing. Crosswords. Driving. Electronics. Fitness/Self Defence. Garden.
Health. Homeschooling. Housework. Idioms. Jokes. Kitchen/Cooking. Measure. Mechanics/Machines. Motivation. Movies. Music.
NZ. People. Personal Care. Poetry. Proverbs. Religion. Reviews. School Education. Skills/Hobbies. Slang. Stories.
A Creed can be of great use but if based on greed, violence, selfishness, and does not treat all fairly, then it should be abolished. The Creed can be a guide for all to follow for everyone’s sake that helps uphold the good decent fair society that people want.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
18th of March, 2021.