James M Sandbrook of
Wairakei Place, Tokoroa.
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Delusions of Grandeur.

People suffering from grandiose delusions wrongly hold themselves at an extraordinarily high status in their mind. They feel that they are special, some to extreme beliefs and some are narcissist types who feel that they are grand and others not so grand.

Some can go as far as thinking that they are kings or queens, famous people, very special in a sense that they are more important than others. Religious leaders can assume that they are special and that they have the divine right to tell others what is what and what God think and wants of them.

People can be so heavily seduced by others that their insecurities and vanity (desires to be important) allow them to accept input form other people that state that the insecure person is special, wonderful, amazing, yet the person is always struggling and suffering mentally.

Healthline has this to say:

A delusion is a false belief held by a person. It contradicts reality or what is commonly considered true. The strength of a delusion is based on how much the person believes it.

Delusions are generally the result of a mental health disorder. However, not all people with delusions meet the full diagnostic criteria for any mental health disorder.

Psychotic disorders can change a person’s sense of reality. They may be unable to tell what is real and what is not.

 Types of delusions of grandeur

Any delusion has four main characteristics:

Grandiosity is an exaggerated sense of one's importance, power, knowledge, or identity, even if there is little evidence to support the beliefs. - Verywell Mind.

Causes of Delusion of Grandeur

Delusions of grandeur are associated with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), which is a mental health diagnosis listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). A narcissistic personality may cause people to greatly overestimate their own importance and believe in their own uniqueness. These delusions can also be symptomatic of schizophrenia. Some people with schizophrenia experience delusions in which they believe they are a hugely powerful person or have a great gift to give to the world. - Good Therapy.

In Normal life:

I remember a woman who when she felt that she had been done wrong (often it was she who had hurt the other person) and she would walk up to the person who she she felt that she was better than, glare in that poor persons face and stick her nose up in the air dramatically and stomp off pridefully, feeling superior to the other person.

A young insecure woman fell in love, the parents were against the relationship, and made up lies and bad stories about the male, telling the daughter that the male she loved was stalking her. The parents had abused her when she was young so she had a shallow confidence, shallow courage and was easily led. They just kept telling her how desirable and adorable she was and that the male couldn't help but want her, and so when the male tried to get her attention or make contact with the daughter the daughter ran in fear “knowing that he couldn’t help himself but to adore and stalk her”, yet none of it was true, it was her delusions of grandeur, he was just trying to help her.

In the work place a person is made Forman and from then on becomes a big believer of himself.

When people are insecure and get a title they can assume that the title in recognition of their ability to think better than others, that their ability to rule over other people’s lives has been seen, and that they are needed to do this job because they are special. This is day-to-day common narcissism and delusions of grandeur.

In a church a Pastor I knew had great delusions of grandeur and so did his wife about him.

Before he was a Pastor he got on with the congregation, but when he was made the Pastor he separated himself mentally from his friends and kind of ruled over them fully believing that “he was the chosen one” for that church. He felt that it was God’s doing because God had noticed how wonderful and dedicated he was.

Healthline states this: Religious grandeur

A person with a religious-themed delusion of grandeur may believe that they are a religious leader.

I have noted that when people get a title, money, some fame, they assume that it is because they are set-apart from others and that is why it happened.

People who are aware that a person has delusions of grandeur just act normal around that person, pity that person and sort of go along with it, but they know that the person “has issues” and leaves it at that. In doing so they accept whatever the deluded person says, thinks and does, and accepts that delusions is a pert of that person’s character now, even if they knew the person before they became delusional. They just feel that it is something that just happened to that person. The person with the delusions thinks that they believe the deluded person, that belief is a part of the deluded persons delusions.

Personally I think that narcissism and Delusions of Grandeur are far more common than is commonly noticed, and the reason is our human ability to adapt. We just adapt to a situation and accept that people are people and move on with our daily lives not really realizing that the person who was weird that we just dealt with was actually a person suffering narcissism, or delusions of grandeur.

Men can have the delusion that he is gods gift to women and women can believe that their bodies are desired so much that in every relationships she feels that all he ever wants is sex with her. Neither is true, but their false perception of themselves makes it seem so.

People who have delusions, such as vanity, narcissism, abusers, and the like, as long as they think that they are fine they cannot be helped, the delusion tells them that there is nothing wrong with them.

Who's gonna tell you when It's too late?

Who's gonna tell you things Aren't so great?

You can't go on thinking Nothing's wrong, oh oh

Who's gonna drive you home Tonight?

Who's gonna pick you up When you fall?

Who's gonna hang it up When you call?

Who's gonna pay attention To your dreams?

Yeah, who's gonna plug their ears When you scream?

Drive - Cars.

All the best from

James M Sandbrook.

29th of March, 2021.


Abrev. Advice. Camera. Character. Children. Computing. Crosswords. Driving. Electronics.  Fitness/Self Defence. Garden.

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NZ. People.  Personal Care. Poetry. Proverbs. Religion. Reviews. School Education. Skills/Hobbies. Slang. Stories.

Tips. Tools. Whats It Mean? Words.  Woodwork.