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Famous Stories of the Resistance - Len Ortzen.
Copyright Len Ortzen 1979.
ISBN 0 213 16703 4
1979 Hard Cover. 154 pp.
Inside jacket (Book Cover):
One of the most incredible movements that grew up in the
Second World War was the Resistance: a movement composed of thousands of men and
women willing to give their lives in the underground struggle against the enemy.
The Resistance took many forms, from sabotage and armed attacks to the gathering of intelligence, from the training of Maquis units to the organization of escape lines, and there can be no doubt that its activities helped greatly to win the war.
This book contains seventeen episodes which tell the story of this extraordinary movement, and of some of the individuals who found themselves in unique and sometimes horrific situations, often with pitifully inadequate equipment and little experience. This book pays tribute to their great courage, sacrifice and selfless devotion.
This is the kind of book that should be read in High Schools and Universities as it tells of people with immense courage, it tells of respect for human existence and human life, strong desire to see justice done, about doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do and risking one’s own life for the good of others.
There is a risk to any venture that requires one to stand up for what is right and to those who do this the call to fight the good fight at all costs is the call of the heart to make right something that has been made wrong by others.
The people in this book, females and males, take the greatest risks that can be taken, live at times in the most horrid and dangerous conditions, and they work selflessly for the protection of others and to rid their country of a virus called Second World War Germany under the evil influence of Hitler, the Gestapo, SS and so on.
At times the Germans would attack and destroy entire villages, killing all, in reprisal for some deed of the Resistance, but instead of making the people of the Resistance submissive it made them stronger, more determined and stubborn, they refused to give up to their oppressors. The general public became even more determined to fight for freedom, well knowing that they may die, and even their families, but they refused whatever the costs to never give in and submit to this cruel outrage and bully tactics from a far more powerful and bigger enemy.
There were women who’s husbands had been killed, or taken by the Germans, who instead of being frightened of what may happens to them if they did anything wrong they helped, fed, protected and risked their lives helping the Allies and Resistance in the effort to end the war.
Below is a page from the book.
I buy a lot of second hand books. I enjoy the stories, it does not matter whether they are new books or old, it is the content that makes them worth reading. History is to be learned from, and even though some otf it we may not like, we can always find those people who gather together with great faith and courage who help make things right. We owe them so much, and we should learn from them, to better ourselves and the world.
The Silent Monks.
Mission to Macedonia.
All for One.
A Choice of Wallpaper.
The False Major.
Growth of a Network.
The Limpets Men.
The Gentle Shepherd.
Escape Line.
A Mysterious Mate.
The Rank and File.
Operation ‘Contact Holland.
The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.
Millionaires Wife.
Secret Weapons.
No Danger in That!
There are also stories of betrayal, of dishonest cowardly or evil minded people, people that the members of the Resistance believed in, of traitors, of spies, and the overcoming of the danger and death that they caused.
You see, the book is a historical message of not lying down and being beaten, subdued and conquered, instead it shows when it all comes down to all that the material world can offer against simple folk, that the simple folk will get back up and continue the fight for liberty and justice.
Hitler had the power, the most modern armies of the world, the money, the biggest meanest air force, tanks, infantry, navy, army and so on, but he did not have in his people the will to succeed.
But those people of the invaded countries, they had so much to gain from fighting back and winning that they refused to believe in anything but getting the invaders out of their own country, even though there were setbacks defeat was never an option.
A very good book of history, courage, and doing the right thing for all.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
15th of March, 2021.
Abrev. Advice. Camera. Character. Children. Computing. Crosswords. Electronics. Fitness/Self Defence. Garden. Health.
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