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Far from Home
The Adventures of Yellow Dog - 1995
Family/Adventure - 1 Hour 27 Minutes
A family adventure movie full of fun, love, excitement, adventure and relationships, especially the new friendship between boy and dog.
I like to say that animals find us and choose who they like and Yellow did this in this movie. He found some children playing, and Yellow stalked Angus, a teenage boy who was in group of children. We can tell that he is a typical teenager when his father is trying to teach Angus how to drive and Angus is all about, “I got this…” and then crashes into the wood pile he had stacked only the day before.
When he has to make some hard choices about the dog, his boat and such, he chooses the dog and you can tell his Dad in pleased that his boy wants to sacrifice something he cares about for the dog, and wants to be responsible and do the right thing. Angus is clearly a likable young fellow.
The boy, his dog Yellow, and his father are travelling in a boat and a storm arrives, and the boat that they are in capsizes just as Angus goes out to check on his small boat, the one he and his father made.
The father is rescued off the capsized boat, but Angus and Yellow can’t be found anywhere in the water.
We, the viewers of the movie, then find Angus and the dog onshore with Angus going straight into survival mode, and it is clear that his dad taught him some very good Life Skills as Angus goes about his plan for survival.
Due to the turn of events Angus has to move on with the dog or starve, but unknown to him his father and a rescue crew are hot on his tail. The parents don’t give up hope and are determined to get them back.
This is a heartwarming story about boy and dog pitted up against nature, their skills, survival, and how they get on. Worth watching.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
24th of February, 2021.
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