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Florence Nightingale

Lady With The Lamp.

by Sam Wellman.

ISBN 1-59310-379-4

Barbour Publishing, In, P.O. Box 719, Uhrichsville, Ohio 44683, www.barbourbooks.com

As I read this book I see a journey, and if one’s mind is open one can see how the childhood of Florence’s became the forming of her future as The Lady With The Lamp.

Florence Nightingale - Born in Florence, Italy on May 12, 1820.

Florence knew multiple languages, economics, astronomy, science, philosophy, mathematical skills and history.

Her parents William Edwards and Frances Smith Nightingale were of upper-class power and influence.

Florence had an insatiable thirst for knowledge and was an excellent student.

At a young age Florence was allowed to see a legal trial when her father was the High Sheriff for the county of Hampshire. This position for her father delighted Florence.

The case was about a farm worker stealing beans from the owner. Found guilty the man was transported from England to Australia, with no chance of returning for 14 years. From this harsh punishment Florence saw why the poor people feared the law.  

By the age of 12 years of age she had gone through a lot and also those around her, and she enjoyed helping people, babies, family life, medical practices, and learning all the time. As were many women of that male dominated time, at least in public affairs and education, she was frustrated that only men went to University in England, and that women were not allowed to do certain things.

Since she was so heavily interested in learning, finding out that she couldn't go to university would have been a big blow to her.

Her governess, probably her closest friend dislocated her shoulder in a road accident and Florence and her sister were horrified at the screams of Miss Christie, and then later on Miss Christie married and left Florence's life for good which greatly upset Florence, and then Florence was devastated to find out that Miss Christie died in child birth. All these things deeply affected Florence and her beliefs and also help form her future.

Miss Christie taught Florence and her sister to help the poor and needy, with such activities as visiting the poor, the children were given projects to earn money to help the poor. One was a party for the poor of the village children, with food and cakes. Florence was recording visits to the sick and recording their illnesses, how they were treated, and the results in her notebook.

"Flo", otherwise known to all as Florence Nightingale was a well educated child born into a wealthy family.

She spent many years struggling with the rules and such of wealth, etiquette for her station in the world.

Miss Christie, and Florence worked well together. At one stage Miss Christie stayed with her own family and not at the Nightingale's Florence was "put out" a fair bit because she liked her so much.

Florence was by nature meticulous, and when she visited the Carters, her friend Hillary had a governess called Miss Johnston, and when Miss Johnston went to the village to help the sick Flo would record just which medical powder Miss Johnston used, how many grains used, for the patient of different ages etc. Florence felt very useful for her efforts.

Eventually Florence wrote letters, something she enjoyed, probably because it was more exciting than plain repetitious school work.

Miss Christie encourage Florence to record the life of her maid, Miss Clarence. For young Flo this was a revelation as she found out things that she never would probably have expected from  someone of such a low station in life. For instance Clarence's father had been a loyal coachman for the King Louis XVI, who was beheaded in the French Revolution. From Miss Johnston Florence learned to never underestimate people because they appear to occupy a low station.

Clarence also went on to tell of her own narrow escapes from death, although Florence thought were most imaginary, but were very interesting exciting reading just the same.

Florence wrote down most everything that happened each day, including people's characters, their status in life, were they agreeable, cheerful, tolerant with children, playful, and this would have made wonderful reading in the future.

She was a very attentive child, played as normal children do, but thrived in books and that sort of education while also being meticulous at writing down and doing her work while also helping other people out recording events in notebooks and in her own diary.

Reading this book you really can get a feeling that her life, with its good and bad events, was forming her for her greatest time in the future as she took on the world and changed hospitals, nursing and medical practices forever.

When she had no governor to teach her, her father stepped up his effort and taught his daughters himself, and Florence enjoyed this very much, as she conversed with her father about politics, matters of the world, and her studies.

Mr Nightingale took upon himself the classical education of Florence while Mrs Nightingale taught her the social skills and leadership qualities that manifested themselves throughout her life.

Her parents originally opposed Florence wanting to be a nurse, but after Mr Nightingale became ill and Florence nursed her father back to good health, he relented and granted her an allowance which allowed her to continue her training and work in London.

Florence wrote thousands of letters and she wrote books and monographs.

King Edward VII awarded Florence Nightingale the British Order of Merit in 1907.

This is a good book to learn more about this woman who made such big changes tot h world, saved so many lives with her efforts, and in a tie when men were seen to have ruled she walked right over them and got the job done regardless of their opinions, titles, and power. On the back of the book it states that, God called her to serve and she did in the most remarkable way overcoming the greatest of odds against her.

Recommended reading.

All the best from

James M Sandbrook.

12th of February, 2021.

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