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The French Resistance
ISBN 0-330-28657-9
First Published in 1984 by Simon and Shuster Inc, Pan Books Ltd in 1985.
In the Forward the author talks of his counterintelligence days, he served in England and France during the Second World War.
He states that the most exciting work was with the French underground.
This is a very exciting historical account of those times, France, the Resistance, and the people who made it all happen at great cost and how they never let Germany feel comfortable in France once they got going.
For me the encouragement is their bravery, and how they faced odd’s that were far powerful than them, but they refused to give in to the bully and wanted to do anything to make the bullies stay in France as less enjoyable as they could.
On the 14th of June 1940, the German juggernaut rolled into an unprepared and ill equipped for war Paris.
On June 17th, Marshal Henri Philippe Petain, France’s Prime Minister, asked the German for surrender terms.
Hitler's terms were harsh as would be expected from a leader who had happily slaughtered many up to this point in his bid to take over the world and to create the perfect race of humans, insane he was, but sadly he had power and was able to use it.
The author, Don Lawson, writes of Marie-Madeleine Fourcade a young housewife in Paris who worked with Georges Loustaunau-Lacau who was code named, Navarre. Marie-Madeleine went on to run their operation when it was too risky for Georges, and while she wanted to be in the background and didn’t feel that she was worthy or able to run a French Resistance group Georges insisted. She had the codename of Hedgehog. Her group was known as Noah’s Ark. Her work was very dangerous, but she knew that someone had to do it, so she did.
Many issues are dealt with in this book. One was hat the many resistance groups did not see eye to eye, and the Communist Resistance joined the Allies when Russia was attacked by Hitler. The Communist Resistance hoped to take over the French Government at the end of the war, that was their plan.
People felt back then during the Second World War as they signed up to fight or to join Resistance moments that they must ‘do their bit”, even with the great risks involved, to do nothing was just out of the question. Some of the Resistance books I have read spoke about the people, the conquered people, the common folk being fed up with the invasions of their lands and growing a fierce desire from simple non-hero types, who took great risks because they just couldn’t sit back and watch such people rule over them with brute force.
Some were horrified that their cultures, their honour, beliefs, were being taken away an what was left was countries that were becoming German as the German leaders wished. This book is about many of these people, what they did from complete disorganization to make the Germans stay as hard as possible and when the big invasion came the French wanted to take part to help free their country, o with support from England that was the plan. General de Gaulle was doing all that he could to be a part of this from England and the English were pleased to have him on their side int he war effort.
If you want to know about real heroes, real courage stop watching fakes like James Bond and the like and get down to the library and read books about people that helped make the world free.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
8th of February, 2021.
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