James M Sandbrook of
Wairakei Place, Tokoroa.
Copyright © All rights reserved. Made by James Martin Sandbrook.
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Tips and Tricks for Cooking and Working in the Kitchen!
- Dry white, basmati, Jasmine, rice has an indefinite shelf life, as long as the rice
is kept dry - a sealed container would be a good idea. Brown rice only lasts 3 to
6 months when stored in the pantry.
- We should always try to get natural ingredients for our cooking, this helps keep
the whole family healthy.
- Substitute other ingredients when you are short on something, its how you come up
with amazing new meals and tasty treats. If the recipe calls for a certain seasoning,
try whats in the cupboard. If the recipe calls for sweetening and you don’t have
what is listed in the recipe, try a different way to sweeten the recipe. Experiment,
its all part of the fun of being creative and enjoying different meals.Be inventive,
get excited, create.
- According to sources I have read that white rice after being cooked and in the fridge
lasts about 4 to 7 days. I have read variations of when to refrigerate white rice.
One source stated 4 hours after being cooked and another 2 hours after being cooked.
After the rice has cooled down you can put the rice in a sealed container and then
put it in the fridge. It I noted that rice should be refrigerated 2 hours after being
cooked because of the possibility of bacteria growing in the rice at room temperature.
- I was told that when boiling peas to only take them to the boil and then take them
off the element. The reason for this was to cook the peas to boiling point, but if
they kept boiling then the natural goodness in the peas would go into the water which
you threw away.
- Since the water that we boil our food in has natural goodness in the water from the
food I often pour the boiled water into a safe container and then when it has cooled
down I pour it over the vegetables in the gardens.
- There is a myth/wives tale that if you add salt to a pot that is boiling potatoes
that the salt goes into the potatoes, but it doesn’t. The salt just stays in the
water and then when the potatoes are boiled you throw the salt and water out.
- When wiping something up on the kitchen floor or scrubbing the floor because something
was spilled on the floor and the like, please don’t use the same cloth or scrubbing
brush/scrubber, that you use for the dishes and for plates. I have witnessed people
doing this and they have not yet realized that people walk on the floor and they
have been outside or in other places and the floor is not a clean place, thats why
we wash it often. Keep all the cleaning gear for the dishwashing and sink separate
from whats used for cleaning/scrubbing the floor and rooms to avoid transferring