James M Sandbrook
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Abrev. Advice. Camera. Character. Children. Computing. Electronics.  Fitness/Martial Arts. Garden. Health. Homeschooling.

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I discovered years ago that children's video’s are an excellent way for an adult to understand a subject because the subject is taught from a very easy to understand angle, in its simplest form.

If we want to know more we can more on to the more adult explanations of the subject.
So please don’t shy away from simple explanations of something that was designed for children to learn from.

Its better to get the information in its simplest from to get a general understanding of what it means.

An advantage to using videos like those on YouTube for learning or a presentation of some sort is that you can pause it and go back to any place you may have found a bit confusing.
So please, do this, study, look, learn, until you get a basic or even stronger idea of what it is that you are studying.

If you learn or are educated from one source you are only getting an input of only one view, which could be completely wrong or not the total truth that you need to make your own observations and studies that will end in your own conclusions of what you feel is the truth of the subject matter.

Learn in half hour sessions and you tend to mentally swallow what is taught easier.

Taking breaks is a good idea.
The idea is that the mind takes in about 20 to 30 minutes of learning and then when you go off and do something completely unrelated the subconscious mind stores the information for later use, and when you go back to learning 10 minutes or so later you are mentally fresh to take in more information while also possibly having some new questions to ask about the subject.

Look at the subject matter from many angles, and even watch video’s or read books from different people about the same subject. You will be amazed that each person leaves something out and other people’s versions fill in the gaps., and repetition helps us get familiar with the terms, understanding and whats going on so much so that it really does sink in to our minds.

If you study something that you are genuinely interested in the studying won’t seem like hard work, instead it will be exciting to learn and you will feel good every step of the way. If it is not fun then maybe you are learning what is expected of you from other people and not what you want to or need to know. Its worth looking into and thinking about.

Ask lots and lots of questions. And ask the same question over and over again. Study if there is no one willing to answer your questions and even if someone is there to help you, get other people’s versions of events, learn from multiple sources of information, and in that way you are really getting an in depth solid foundation of what it is that you are wanting to know.

Please always be aware that teachers and other people have egos., and they have strong unbreakable opinions, so if they say to only learn from them, it pays to look elsewhere as well. That way you get the teachers views and other views, and the the decision of what you will believe is up to you and not one course of information that demands that you listen to them as they assume that they are right.

Know that no one knows everything and even those who have titles, education, and those who you think know what they are talking about, can make mistakes, after all they are only human like the rest of us.
So learn from many different people, be open minded about what you are being taught and consider all views, options, all angles and teachings.

Be your own scientists. It is wise not to take anyone’s opinion that such and such is good or bad, healthy or bad for your health etc. Find out for yourself by studying all the versions and come up with your own opinion of what is what.

A good teacher and guide will suggest that you get other views and will not feel threatened or insecure itf you find other views and think that they are viable.

James M Sandbrook
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Abrev. Advice. Camera. Character. Children. Computing. Electronics.  Fitness/Martial Arts. Garden. Health. Homeschooling.

Idioms. Jokes. Kitchen/Cooking. Measure. Mechanics/Machines. Motivation. Movies. Music. People.

Poetry. Proverbs. Reviews. School Education. Skills. Stories. Tips. Tools. Words/Accronyms. Woodwork. Home

