Copyright © All rights reserved. Made by James Martin Sandbrook.
Abrev. Advice. Camera. Character. Children. Computing. Crosswords. Driving. Electronics. Fitness/Self Defence. Garden.
Health. Homeschooling. Housework. Idioms. Jokes. Kitchen/Cooking. Measure. Mechanics/Machines. Motivation. Movies. Music.
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If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.
If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.
Means that if a person spends time with undesirable people they will, in time, pick up their undesirable habits, traits and will change their Life Path to that which is the same as the undesirable people.
"For they that sleep with dogs, shall rise with fleas." - John Webster in his play "The White Devil."
If you associate with disreputable characters your own reputation will inevitably be harmed, while you become like them.
“He that goeth to bedde wyth Dogges, aryseth with fleas.” - James Sanford's Garden of Pleasure (1573).
Also another look at this Proverb and we realise that it also means, “become involved with bad company, there will be negative consequences.“
It may appear that the “fun crowd” are exciting, charming, they seem to like us, and they can be daring, clever, confident and courageous - but a deeper more concerned look shows us that they are just like everyone else and the consequences of their careless ways, lack of depth, immaturity is not going to be good, especially in the long run. So to be in their group will change our Life Path to theirs, and whatever is to become of their future will be ours.
This is where our own personal history is helpful.
Look back in the past when you
were going off track, with the wrong people, and were influenced by them and their
careless ways, where are they now, and how did that turn out for you.
Your personal history is your personal teacher, take heed, remember and learn, that is why we have a memory, to help us make better decisions today.
A proverb is a simple, concrete, traditional saying that expresses a perceived truth based on common sense or experience. - Wikipedia.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
23rd of March, 2021.
Abrev. Advice. Camera. Character. Children. Computing. Crosswords. Driving. Electronics. Fitness/Self Defence. Garden.
Health. Homeschooling. Housework. Idioms. Jokes. Kitchen/Cooking. Measure. Mechanics/Machines. Motivation. Movies. Music.
NZ. People. Personal Care. Poetry. Proverbs. Religion. Reviews. School Education. Skills/Hobbies. Slang. Stories.