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Miracles in New Zealand.
Stories retold by Heather Mackay.
Copyright 2007 Mackay Books. ISBN 978-0-01326-1
This is a collection of true stories in New Zealand about miracles and unusual events that happened to ordinary New Zealand people.
The Forward is by Reverend John Sinclear, Howick, New Zealand. Introduction by Heather Mackay which is an interesting read.
Many of the stories in this book start with a Bible verse which seems to have a connection to the story to follow the verse.
It is clear that Heather is telling us that this is about The Living God, the God that does things, and is there for us every day, all day, if we should want God’s help in our lives.
These are really interesting heartfelt meaningful stories about miracles and events that cannot be explained by science yet happened anyway.
Doctors didn't really record what happened because the patient after being healed simply never went to the doctor about that particular illness, etc again, so in the doctors medical files for the patients the headache or whatever just stopped and was never mentioned again.
This happened to me in 1991 when the doctor told me that I would have head splitting migraines for the rest of my life. I was in intense agony nearly daily, with headaches that were very painful and would have put me out of work for life if they had continued. I was not happy about that at all, and then one day the doctor gave me what was the equivalent of a shopping bag of pills to take each day for the rest of my life. And I got very angry (with him, life, myself for being like this) when I got home I was determined to beat this so much that I threw the pills in the rubbish and never had a migraine headache from that day onwards. I declared that I would rather have the headaches than rely on chemicals for the rest of my days on earth, and suddenly I stopped getting them. I have always been a great disliker of chemical medication and relying on the health system.
Miracles are those unexplainable wonderful events that happen to us all, many don’t notice them or think much about them after they have happened, they just get on with life, they just tend to think that the miracle was good luck, even though it was an impossible event like a healing or amazing unexplained escape from death.
People who are religious believe in their being a spiritual response to their prayers about issues in their lives, asking for healing, guidance, and support as they strive to be better people and of use to God and the world.
It stands to reason that when they pray they obviously believe that their prayers are going to The Living God, the Creator of all things, otherwise known to many as God, and if anyone can help them it would be God as God created all things therefore God can makes changes to the world and all on it.
Each chapter is about a new person, and the stories are reassuring in the sense that if science and doctors fail you then you could still get an unexplainable miracle and be cured. The same for praying for a job, a friend, happiness, etc.
I personally always have found that true stories about people and the miracles that come their way are an inspiration and proof to us in the know that God is there and that spiritual Godly intervention in the Divine sense can come our way and make things better, heal us, help us, and give us hope regardless how impossible the future may look.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
12th of February, 2021.
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